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Everything posted by EMMETT111

  1. This whole crew are responsable for killing one apt zac's and killed all the parties at B4 now they are at it again trying to kill another apt after they kill this one maybe RLC will open a new villa for them lol
  2. its so funny how its just a matter of timing T and E are the kind of girls Carlos thought he was going to be around
  3. well they have been gone longer than just getting something to eat should take and nobody has mentioned the little fact that their frequent bathroom visits does not make you want to eat well not food anyways
  4. some guys just dont like to do some things on cam i guess my previous reference to the first couple in the COV was a good example
  5. i found it by accident too it would be a pop up after porn videos it would show up as Leoras livingroom
  6. lol they went to the RLC off cam apt and are having a foursome that is blowing Aarons mind 🤣
  7. oh hell we got Mcdonalds Burger king Wendies 2 all night dinners and i live in a city of 17 thousand a little smaller than Barcalona just saying i think they could find a place to eat
  8. i am sure these girls can find some place thats all you can eat 24 hours a day lol
  9. that redhead was one of the few girls that was fun to watch masturbate she would roll around like a cat when she would cum
  10. did you catch the very first couple that was in the first COV the guy would only have sex with his underware on and his woman was drunk all the time then his woman went down on one of the few redheads that have been on RLC then he made his woman leave RLC the next day
  11. now he is crying to Timur i guess not every guy on here is a Cuck like Al and Boggy
  12. its just easy to notice when he is gone all day,or when the girls came back from their last vacation he left for 4 days so has he got a girl off cam or a job funny nobody ever hears what it is he does off cam but if Nelly takes a shit off cam we hear about it
  13. so now all of a sudden people notice Boggy is not at B4,i have pointed out over and over again how he is gone all day 3 ,4 or 5 days a week gone in the AM not home till 5 or 6 at night going off and staying off cam for 3 or 4 days straight but noboy else seamed to catch this
  14. so he is working for RLC he could have put his foot down and shut down that Bullshit music that night instead of hiding from the cops but he has no problem telling the new girls to behave thats my problem with the whole situation
  15. guys saying Boggy never came home like thats anything new he does that all the time,last time N and M went on vacation they came back and Boggy left for 4 days
  16. Admit it it was Boggy letting that bullshit at Ginas one yr party is the reason he has to say sorry to the neighbors for a couple of drunk nude girls having fun in the afternoon
  17. Thats a joke its not her i was being sarcastic thats something that is lost on half the guys on here
  18. well on that we can disagree i respect that i think it is her but thats my opinion,i remember her from 2014 when i started following RLC because it was a pop up after porn videos and i saw Leora walking nude across the livingroom she made a impression and as soon as i saw that video i just knew it was her
  19. i wonder who was the idiot that gave that comment a up vote
  20. making up shit okay i just actually took the dates of the music video and compared it to the date the movie came out proving it was a bullshit comment but excuse me for thinking that kind of idiocy was your soul domain lol
  21. Now i remember why you were on my ignore list i dont know how i started seeing your posts again but that just changed lol
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