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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Once again, you have fallen into the trap.😆 I'll have to find something else, you make it too easy for me but at least you make me laugh, keep it up, I love you like that. On the other hand, you put a little variation in your usual copy/paste, that's good. LOL
  2. Oh Yes, Martina is on the move....great night tonight...certainly...Yes In the kitchen, speak to Alfredo through the window, the use of her hands, wow....
  3. Let's get serious, Martina do the usual oil change and get ready for the night ahead....time for a crazy night of fun Martina !!!!
  4. No, Alfredo doesn't know everything about Martina. He knows that she has a love and sex life outside and that suits him as long as he is not left out and he doesn't know the details, it doesn't matter to him. It gives him security, as it does for Martina, to have someone close to him that he can count on in times of some need. Indeed, as you mention, living in this type of relationship is not common. To maintain a close relationship with someone of polygamy (Martina), it is not obvious for the majority of the world. For my part, I would not be able to do it either. But, I appreciate these observations between all of us on Martina and Alfredo, it allows us to make judgments on our own lives and in some measure, what is the notion of pleasure in life. Isn't it also one of the goals of this forum? P.S. Of course for some people in the forum, their only goal is to have fun criticizing others without ever bringing their own ideas. This part of the population brings, unfortunately, nothing to the society but we have to live with it and take for granted that they are at a 'different' learning level in life. It is unfortunate that some people want to stay at this level and cause a lot of 'noise' to prove to others that they exist. Fortunately, some learn that there are other ways. For those who are narcissists, well...it takes a lot more, like getting help, which goes against their own personality. Sad.
  5. Alfredo sleeping, Martina plans her next night with her cell in the bedroom. She has so many hours to spend for fun, why stay in front of the tv and just a little fuck with Alfredo and watch tv again.... What will be the activities of the next night...we can call it "the missing link" that we miss to understand what Martina is doing outside....well, we have good ideas... Sweet dreams Alfredo.... We're watching out for you on our side....
  6. Martina: 2 words: "never enough" for her it is calculated in hours without interruption Friday night: Alfredo is already ok for his nap for the night Martina , the extraordinary fun part of the long weekend night begins soon P.S. I follow wiht my 'Porto' night, let the big game begin....Come-on Martina !!!!
  7. Yes, your right ! and I will add "Based on almost true story and almost no lies" 🤣
  8. For Martina: just the beginning of the night: study or not in the park or the parking lot or try to explain to Taco that mommy has some 'other' life outside...?
  9. will it be some special serious discussion between Martina and Alfredo in the war room today ?
  10. Like in a movie, you should add : "This show contains scenes that some viewers may find disturbing". 🤣
  11. When she smoke, she has a little 'smile' on her face but tonight, her 'expression' was not that one. Maybe some 'pills', I hope that she doens't take the 'special' one... No school...
  12. A 'many' some, somewhere...No doubt, many people would be ready to put the price for the show..show that is no longer on RLC but somewhere....
  13. An important meeting of short duration $$$, we don't skimp on the preparation...we also have to be quick to come back to sleep a little...Ah...those girls who 'work' to pay for their study....not too much effort but very $$$
  14. In bed, she seems very tired, her usual lack of sleep?
  15. Alfredo: it was the fear of the bug.....👀. Martina: the 'fight' with the bug was also for warming up for new positions to try with Alfredo....or with somebody else 🤣
  16. You are exactly right, it could be a lot of thing that you mention and even more but the most important thing is to consult a specialist without delay, I don't know if Martina is the type to let it go or consult a doctor as soon as possible. Breast size, lifestyle and sexual practices increase the likelihood of experiencing certain health problems. I hope she goes for a consultation. If she have to stop for awhile sexual pratices, it will not be funny for her...
  17. Considering that many people here (me too) need a lot of professional help, maybe we can get an interesting price in group? Do we ask RLC for an additional package of professional help? I imagine us all in Martina's living room talking about our stresses and we could also do a little zootherapy with Taco or the fish tank ? Or all of us in the bathroom when Alfredo is showering, helping us to focus? Or powerful testimonies by surprise guests, like Nelly who would tell us about her Russian origins and the discovery of her sexuality when she set foot in Barcelona? Or the first time she parked a car in a parking lot with Martina's help (the famous parking lot episode)? Seriously. we need a lot of help, you know!
  18. For Martina, it's like the movie "Groundhog Day". It's always the same story. I write it with my eyes closed... But I can write with a little, just a little, just a little...out of the world but well anchored in the present, Oh....I am all mixed up..Nelly get out of my keyboard... Big kiss From Nelly in a disguise !
  19. Martina had a good big dinner of meat and vegetables, it gives a lot of energy for a nice night to come ...saturday night, the big one... According to the usual scenario, change of oil for Alfredo, some strategic conversation with her cell, make her makeup and put particular dress and out..... There are still some hours before the beginning of the 'real' night to come
  20. Alfredo; I like this name, it gives Alberto a bit of spice like a young Italian stallion... For Alfredo in the guest room: 1) Martina pees in the bed and doesn't wash the whole bed and 2) this always leaves a place for the next FWB that Martina could bring with her in the morning, Alfredo has his principles and leaves all the place to Martina's pleasure...to pee in the bed and be with another FWB New name to Martina; Miss Peepee
  21. Let us pray.....Yes Martina bring us your new FWB to the apartment...again...over and over...
  22. Maybe the new FWB is Alberto with a disguise.... We have to wait for him to take off his underwear and have a look......
  23. 17:52 Martina pees on the rag on the bed (never seen that before) NO it not pees, it female ejaculation. Not all women can 'live' this. It can happen once or several times or never or with a different partner or at a certain age, many factors etc. Usually it takes a woman who is fully 'living at full ' her sexuality. But is it the first time for Martina, wow ! the first one on RLC ? I look at the video but not sure.... P.S. By the way, I have never experienced this...
  24. RLC should offer rate for week only because weekend Martina is not there or she sleep in from on the cam. 😆 Or special rate for Taco cam only (a new cam on Taco head) knowing that when Martina is fucking, Taco is not far to 'check' with whom....😆 P.S. Friday....I'm starting my Porto 'period'....If we don't see Martina for few hours, I will have less 'imagination'....Let hope !!! Great fucking everybody....oups....Great Fun everybody !!!! 🤣
  25. And now the BIG question: Given that Martina's weekend and sometimes weeknight activity has become a habit, when will Martina bring home her 'NEW FWB ? We all waiting for that. RLC is missing big $$$$ here... Usually when you are in a new 'serious' relationship, you gradually bring this new person to your apartment to enjoy your home together. And the question everyone asks: what do you do with Alberto? The same damn answer as before: Alberto spends his time on the PlayStation or his cell phone or his nap and waits for his turn... Everyone remembers the episode when Martina brought Nelly to the apartment. It's as simple as that !
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