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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Just how much can we rely on this information? From whom and how did this person deduce this information? Too weird in my opinion.... When somebody write : "They live in the third floor of a four floor building. Karol live in the second floor." WTF, where does it come from ? why not know what material the floors are made of LOL
  2. I have some good info about the old lady living across the street , what I heard about her she have free RLC...in a way... she can hear Martina or Alberto when they are on the balcony and she is not happy with what she hears about Bogdan's story, Bogdan haggles with those who want to have access to Nelly, Martina pays the big price (?) but have access to Nelly but Alberto doesn't like it, he get mad.... the other day she met Martina with Taco outside and she said "hello Taco, you know everybody loves you Taco" Martina was surprised because she doesn't know her ( how can she know Taco name...) she sleeps during the day and is awake at night so she can keeps a record of Martina exits and entries the photo of Blacky taken outside the apartment and which appeared on the forum, it was her who had provided it sometime, Alberto help her with her grocery and he tells her not to worry about Martina, she works at night and sometimes it is very hot in the apartment and she forgets she naked Oh my God ! , It friday night and it my Porto night and all those story in my head get mix up....have funnnnnnn..... P.S My old experience of soap writing in LA, many years ago comes back with ....a lot of alcohol...so funny that I could write for hours and hours..
  3. You didn't catch it again ! So it mean that your not the best you think you are amount us. Your are simply like us and surprisingly maybe lower a little. Based on your experience on this forum for more > 10 years, you should have much more better interventions. Show us that you have evolved. Do you catch it ? LOL ... P.S. In life, we learn from each other to be better (the meaning of life) and we could learn so much from your experience, we miss you not wanting to share your knowledge to help us improve too. On my side, I make sure that the people around me have fun in life according to what I can do despite the bad news of every day...
  4. This is understandable. But to have repeatedly her libido never satisfied and to please herself is not satisfying, she will surely use her cell phone to prepare herself a nice 'satisfying' night out and come back in the morning .... At her age, she thinks: 'I won't waste my time waiting when everything is available, I'm young amd pretty and like to fuck, why not'. P.S. Go Martina, your in charge !
  5. Yes, they have a good view. Someone wrote that it's on the 3rd floor of a 4 story building, naturally the person guessed that out of nowhere... According to the person in question, Martina spent 5 hours on the phone last night to explain to the pizza delivery man where she lived.
  6. Do you catch it ? LOL P.S. to use the word "narcissistic", it tell a lot about you....Do you catch it ? Stop be the only one at this position, Let go back to Martina and Alberto, it an order from a woman !
  7. I never thought that you can talk to Deep like that WOW ! Deep, you losing a big guy, poor you !
  8. Fan or not, no problem with that, you are like all of us, you base your opinion on the facts and you interpret base on your life experience, we all need different points of view. Of course, we all know those (2) who claim to have the absolute truth, but even if we don't need them, we still find it funny to see them acting like idiots (real one, amazing !) . There is no one more stupid than the one who claims to have the absolute truth (many politicians in real life...). Look at them "yelping" at me after my remark ....LOL Ah..funny... By the way, it reminds me of the French movie "Le diner des cons". Very good comedy ! A good welcome "ร  vous" !!!! (help from google translate ๐Ÿ˜‹)
  9. Since when does Martina make a big meal (more than an hourand not finish yet...), at the beginning of the night like that during the week? Not topless either? Is she on amphetamines ? She's really hungry.... For the pill: possibly she stopped for a health consideration, problem in her cycle or weight control. Sometimes it is appropriate for a woman to stop for a while because it has a big impact on the metabolism. For me, I tend to gain weight, I feel that my satiety is impacted. Lots of new stuff with Martina! Like a real tv Soap ? What will she do for the night to come, she cannot sleep ?
  10. We all check it out and waiting..... P.S For fun: Nelly, Martina, Alberto and Bogdan are ready to write in the forum from the garage...where everything is happenning...
  11. Hi @ashleyxyz (I like the 'xyz') Happy to ear from you, I was missing you. Big kiss ! Yes it happens, I agree But here, the intriguing part is: Martina tries on/mixes the different sexy clothes/accessories while dancing provocatively and asks Alberto for his opinion on whether it's sexually appealing as if it's going to work for other people. And she showed videos to Alberto as if to demonstrate what it was like last time. There's no logic in going through all this trouble of preparation just for themselves. It's like I'm making a birthday cake for my boyfriend and I'm inviting him to test every ingredient to see if it will make him excited to have a cake at his party. Goodbye surprise effect! It doesn't feel like the activity that night was for them in a hotel room at all. Knowing Alberto's personality type, how would he enjoy having sex with Martina outside the apartment. He even accepts that Martina has sex in the bedroom while he watches TV? He gets all the sex he wants (or almost all of it lately). For Alberto, as long as he can stick his fingers in Martina's ass, he is happy. No need for a hotel room to do that. So have fun too !
  12. Yes, the mystery is indeed this activity. She brings Alberto with her every time for her security. But Alberto does not participate in these activities, he is only there to reassure her. This goes on all night every time. There is no doubt that these are sexual activities: I think she is participating in orgy videos or sexual role-playing because all her stuff is for sexual excitement. Surely not prostitution as such but it necessarily leads to full sexual activities during the night There is a lot of private club in this kind of activities and it is a way for the girls to make a lot of money. It's a very accepted mentality. She always comes back exhausted. So this is all a good lead to know exactly what is going on. It surely pays off and it would also explain how it is that Martina has lent Alberto so much money in the past. And also that Alberto doesn't mind Martina's other 'activities' because for him it's like a job for Martina and she makes money. P.S. The funny part that somebody wrote: "They are enjoying a mini-holiday in upper Barcelona, Alberto has tomorrow off and they decided to get away for a day. Please wish them a wonderful short holiday"....Yes When I go with my boyfriend in a little holiday in my own city, I bring a the sexual toys we need.....for sure...LOL
  13. You are right. But an interesting fact about the origin of make up and high heel shoes (scientifically proven): * during sex, blood circulation makes lips and cheeks redder and eyes 'lighter': make up makes it look like it 'reproduces' this impression * the high heels make sure to 'position' the pelvis in a more suggestive position But we remain in the field of the impression, that nothing wrong here and woman always like to feel good about her sex appeal, we learn that real young, it life. On the other hand, if we accentuate the whole thing with even more 'inviting' clothes, it's something else....
  14. Nothing as change since 2017 from you...usually a human being evolves with time in wisdom. I wonder how we can be present for so many years on this site, what is your recipe ? Live in a box 24/7 with a pc screen and the internet ? Take a deep breath and look out a window...LOL
  15. Wow, what a reaction ! I was just talking about the tv show there were watching, a completely innocent comedy. Get back to earth...LOL I think we are now ready for the tv show "Intervention" (a tv show in the US) for you....LOL P.S I could be Nelly hiding behind a female persona, I think, do you catch it ? LOL
  16. You win! Always interesting to read you! Big kiss
  17. Ah...Alberto can't stop himself from pawing her backside, funny. Go further Alberto! ๐Ÿ˜†
  18. funny, this television series is in the category of the series where the men are shown as silly and react like children, it is funny but strangely, it is necessary to believe that it still works to make appear the men like idiots in 2022. Subtly, well beyond the laughter, it still leaves an impression that it is normal that a man is like that.
  19. too long to read....sorry... You must learn to be concise and precise in your exchanges. Today, we don't have time to waste on long speeches.... Again LOL or if you understand only image -> PS. once again, let's go back to Martina
  20. Let do a bullet lists for you (it's easier to understand ๐Ÿ˜„) : @Emmv and @Omedo are good people, they have not withdraw, they are still there, Hello guys ! " throw pearls in front of pigs" it only apply to you "Dumb and Dumber" but you're the one who says it to yourself but you must remember when your female teacher at school told you to think before you open your mouth ๐Ÿ˜Š "the same crap here in the forum" again, it only apply to you "Dumb and Dumber" but you're the one who says it to yourself but you must remember when your female teacher at school told you to think before you open your mouth ๐Ÿ˜Š " anyone who is reasonably sane can interpret it", that's exactly what we do and we argue to validate the information, remember, in life you don't have the choice to have an analytical and critical mind (constructive) because otherwise, you'll be screwed (there some many example today in this world)..so please don't screwed yourself ๐Ÿ˜„ "trapped in their fantasies" don't forget, the forum is a place to present scenarios of what is happening, what can happen and have fun putting some fantasy in it, this is the main purpose of the forum. Strange that after so many years on the forum, Dumb and Dumber you didn't realize that ๐Ÿ˜„ "translators aren't prophets or gods who are always right," yes but don't forget that when you present a statement, there can always be a debate around it and that's normal Have you noticed that my writing state is 'calm and positive' in order to have a constructive exchange (with a little bit of sarcasm to have a little fun ๐Ÿ˜Š) ? I'm sure that most of the participants share my impression....do you see that I write "most", it mean that some will not be agree and that ok. Have fun by giving pleasure to others...however, beware of the interpretation of this sentence LOL ๐Ÿ˜œ (I'm a woman, I must be aware on my writing...๐Ÿค”) So let go back to Martina and Alberto and Taco and the fish tank to have fun ! Do you agree with this ? Again I'm sure that most of the participants want that.
  21. Wow that "top" ....it leaves no doubt about the intentions of those who wear it. I imagine man will have trouble to look in your eye when you talk to them with that outfit...LOL It is very beautiful but the consequences depend a lot about people around you at that moment...woman point of view...just to say
  22. You know me : Just keep doing the right thing done LOL P.S. Do you catch it ?
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