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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Does this give any indication of a desire for Martina.... do a "Peace and Love" trip from the days when everyone was all naked, taking pot (add big other stuff...) and everyone was having sex with everyone everywhere...Hum in my memory...LOL
  2. Yes, he understands pretty much what is said between Martina and the others but, a big but, he shares only the information that he wants to report and in the form that he wants, so, a skewed translator. He reports what pleases him and in accordance with what he thinks. We have to take it into account when we read what he write... P.S Sometimes by provoking him, he let slip some good information trying to justify himself but he doesn't realize he give a lot of info that way. That why I like to 'play' with him... I use my woman mind...LOL
  3. I have the impression that they bought something to make money but they got screwed....
  4. LOL Same old stuff, write something new for a change, please ! We are not in 2018....๐Ÿ˜‰
  5. Is it me who sees wrong but her T-Shirt shows the underside of her breasts?
  6. Even when school starts again, Martina will have to slow down a bit but she will continue her nights out on the weekend so not much change in sight. The long weekend nights start in just a few hours and we know what that means for Martina. Martina make sure you take your vitamin supplements and don't forget the pills... P.S. Martina put a piece of paper with your address in your underwear or bra to make sure someone can drive you home in case of an emergency of being unconscious at some point.
  7. Indeed Martina would not make the 'life' of Masha. It is an 'extreme' possibility if she wants to change her life but she would not, I am sure... They are very diffrent like you write.
  8. I was away for 15 minutes and there is no one left in the apartment, where did they go in 15 minutes? P.S. Martina was doing topless cleaning
  9. When Alberto arrives and after taking his shower, she's going to offer him a free oil change to apologize for her behavior yesterday.....Oh my god, I've seen too many movies....
  10. martina has a position on the bed that says "I am free to do what I want".....when Alberto will arrive...wtf
  11. If Martina has her own apartment, will it be 'like' Masha apartment ? ๐Ÿ™„
  12. they are the same one that were with her before leaving the house ?
  13. I had the same thought: when you are too intoxicated, I don't see myself leaving the house and going to celebrate even more...imagine on my way back to my house if I able to do find it. How were they able to go back home ?
  14. Maybe they make sure they were drunk all the way before going into a club, they didn't want to spend too much $ on drink...
  15. ok the find the door and the night is beginning. They have all the drink they need but I don't think they can go far in a straight line... P.S. Martina don't forget the pills !
  16. Imagine Alberto waking up in the morning to go to work and they still drinking....๐Ÿ˜…
  17. If she talks to them about cams maybe they will react like people often do: they make funny shows or show naked parts of themselves. Martina will dance and 'show' that she have no panties, that will be funny and .....regular...๐Ÿ˜†
  18. I remember when she add an outfit like this with all the makeup and she was getting ready to go out and Alberto pulled up her dress and she had no panties on and he did his oil change and then Martina pulled down her dress with a big smile and left for her night out...Martina was happy, the Alberto job was done, no problem for her night out. ๐Ÿ˜˜
  19. I wonders if they are able to find the door to go out ....๐Ÿ˜†
  20. Nelly could come and put some order in all this ๐Ÿ˜†
  21. Funny, they all have problem to 'stand' and 'still' ....๐Ÿ˜† Yes let ๐Ÿ˜†make another drink !!!
  22. Why not do the party in RLC ? Alberto is in a deep sleep....and Taco is always happy with new exchange of fluids between human...
  23. the party is not start yet and martina is already quite intoxicating and the night just beginning... Oh my god.... And Martina has her libido full and she just need a spark......
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