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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. I have a good question: how can people get into RLC to be a participant ? Any web site ? How is the pay ? How does it work ? Let say I'm a beautiful Barcelona 'fresh' and young girl, what do I have to do ? P.S. do I have to pass a test with Nelly....I want...LOL
  2. Do we know if she went alone ? Or do we guest she went 'probably' with someone ? Logically, she has to go with someone....
  3. My thoughts on marriage, my mother, who was very much ahead of her time (especially, at the time, to have married a man like my father, she was much older than my father but that's another story) always told me: * don't think that the paper of marriage gives you a guarantee of exclusivity, falsifies the idea that you pass a rope around the neck of your love * don't think that marriage will change the habits of your love, yes you both will make concessions but human beings never change completely and it will be more and more obvious with time and it forces to reevaluate your relationship in time * that men and women each have assets to attract the other but nature wants that at the level of procreation, men can always theoretically while women not and we all know the place of sexual dynamics in a couple So would the marriage of Martina and Alberto change anything to the current dynamics: NO Martina will continue her lifestyle. After 10 years, Alberto accepts everything. The probability of a marriage is zero because it would change absolutely nothing, there is nothing more to gain for each of them compared to the current life P.S. I am not saying that marriage is not good but I have to admit that the fantasy of marriage is still very strong among women.... prince charming....
  4. Summer and sun is coming back to Martina world.... By the way, summer is coming back in Barcelona and you know what it means for Martina? the temperature in the apartment will rise, not that much but.....Martina will stay topless the whole time inside Alberto will do the same...for those who are interested 😉 Martina will go to the beach with 'people' (here you can put all those name we all know) and come back without tan line and drunk a little bite (hope on the way back that she stop at some parking lot with Nelly) To us to 'verify' if I say is true....yes yes yes
  5. Oh my God, I was completely lost, missing time for me. My boyfriend came in from work and asked me "you're already on the porto and it's Thursday!" I'm not getting enough sleep lately and it's affecting my concentration but at least you guys, got me back on track, although a porto on Thursday is good too LOL
  6. well....well...well...friday night...Martina is sleeping before going out late tonight ? Going back out for me with a porto glass....yeah !
  7. a lot of textos for Martina.....preparing the weekend.....night... Yes Go for it Martina !!!!!
  8. Alberto tries to wash Martina,,,, he needs, again, training
  9. the cut: Nelly will be very happy and Martina has the same hair color as Nelly..... Hope they have good time together when they will meet again in a few hours.... P.S. this time, bottom less and other day topless, what do you prefer ?
  10. at the end....they all want everything at full speed LOL
  11. they are out with the dog ? If so, like the last time, they will smoke and comeback stone. The libido of Martina, in that situation, explodes. And we are friday night...... Let cross our fingers, maybe there will be a lot and a lot of action !!!!!! We are waiting for a good show on RLC, do you ?
  12. Yes for me too. ZZ top LOL I add: they had a long discussion during her shower, can we think that Alberto was giving his opinion on Martina's shaving (????), his face is directly in front of the cam.... On the other hand, I have no problem being naked in front of my boyfriend (lucky him), but to shave explicitly in front of him NO, it is a private matter for me. Finally, I think that Martina has no problem to be naked in front of anyone and even in parties or anywhere at all. She could a very good strip-teasers but end up naked in 5 minutes because she like it too much.
  13. Martina still on the nap time ???? what happen, did I miss something ?
  14. A little simulation to propose to you: For Alberto : What would happen if Alberto ended up with another, more modest girl who never showed herself naked all the time or practiced masturbation in privacy only and don't spend 'special' time with other ? For Martina : What would happen if Martina ended up with a man who was excited by the constant sight of her walking around naked all the time, so fucking at rate of Masha so Martina doesn't need to got out during the night that much ? Happiness for both ? The end for us ?
  15. Have you noticed that often the action happens in the section of the hall and the entrance to the bathroom 'rarely used' and even, if necessary, they close the door to the kitchen so a blind spot for all cam. In the past, for secret conversations or when Martina and Nelly had to caress each other, they moved to this area. Another example, Martina and Nelly in the kitchen at the B4.
  16. On the way back this afternoon, something (a teacher, a friend, a signal before her period) made her libido rise and when she got to the apartment, she couldn't take it anymore, quickly Alberto in the bedroom! The funny part: during the preparation of masturbation in the living room, she looks at the TV, her laptop screen and the little thing of Alberto and she seems to hesitate...Hum what is the most interesting. LOL
  17. Oh Yes she like it ! But i'm surprised that she doesn't seem to know the proven methods of doing a blod job that a man cannot resist. she must have met men with more experience who could teach her or even Nelly who knew very well how to do it, unless alberto has arousal problems...what seen to be the case quite often
  18. oh ! Yes...going now, Martina is really serious when she want to do a good work
  19. to help predict the evening, do we know if Alberto had an oil change during the day? Now he is taking pic of his face.....he want to be on tinder ?
  20. a lot of possibilities this keep the cam to detect action to 'dry' the sperm of Alberto everywhere to rearrange the 'camping suite' with different configuration, Alberto practice because he want apply to IKEA for Alberto, solicitation in his field of vision (swapping furniture) helps strengthen his brain; Martina idea help Martina where she can 'put' the next woman or guy she want to spend time with in the apartment and where she can, also 'put' Alberto to show to RLC management that they need a new apartment with a lot of space and room to accommodated Martina 'meeting' that she have to do outside currently find all of Martina's missing underwear because apparently Alberto questioned Martina about the fact that there are less than expected (he does the washing), he suspects her that she lost some outside and he doesn't understand and the other day, he finds one that have 'nelly' on it. Martina explain to Alberto that Nelly has to much underwear to clean (Nelly has a little machine) so she bring some at home some activities for Taco, Blacky and Alberto to move around, good for the brain help Martina to find herself when she drunk and stone when she come bak home in the morning because she not always sure about where she is; on coming in the morning, the other day, she went into the apartment beside, get naked and the gang of guys next door told her she wasn't at her home but she was welcome. They offer her to sleep all naked on there bed with no problem. She was lucky...good guy.... to make sure that she was ok, they install 4 cam 4K in the bedroom and push the record bottom and steam on the net...they keep an 'eye' on her in case something happen...good guy I tell you....
  21. For the 2 of you, good observer, I approve 100 % p.s. and one on the fish thank also, we never know....sometime there no action so it could be like on a special channel on tv where you see beach etc 24/24
  22. Yes a long walk and he met Nelly near a parking lot and they talk and they both fell down and Nelly make Alberto drink and show him what she did to Martina. He came 3 times in a row in 5 minutes. Yes another episode of the "The Twilight Zone" LOL P.S. Only Taco know what happen...
  23. Wow this is an episode of "The Twilight Zone !!!!" LOL that great !!!! I can wait to see Alberto is going to explain to Martina that he went to the sauna with the bike gang and they drank a lot and they had a lot of fun, and he doesn't know why but he has pain between his 2 legs
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