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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Good ideal ! I see him satisfying his whole harem while working, fun 24/7
  2. Now we have to find out who is going to bring back the underwear, bets are welcome : Nelly, Candela, Bogdan, Big fat boy, Tall Guy, Michael (still here ?), The one and only Brother, Gina, The school teacher (a woman), The Pizza man, DeepDave (!), Alberto (following a bike ride around the parking lot), One of the 3 men from her 'last' 3some just before her return home... Oh my god so many possibilities...LOL P.S. #1 Wait a minute, whose underwear is on my keyboard ? P.S. #2 Girlsfun1 on vacation in Barcelona for 2 more days and having trouble finding the right vpn to check...Nelly keep out of my keyboard....LOL
  3. To be closer to reality, add 'many' spill of 'different' DNA... LOL
  4. interesting, she forgot her underwear in the parking lot...LOL An admirer kept them as a souvenir
  5. Martina has all the facilities: * the 'special' haircut behind her head * her choker necklace * her libido * and many FWB Alberto should put the choker around his penis and see Martina's reaction LOL Martina would say "Alberto, did you clean the choker because it was on someone else big penis last night but in reality.....the choker went on 3 big penis!" LOL I put a choker necklace to write this comment LOL Well, now the choker is on my glass of port LOL Have fun !
  6. Martine out: For tonight, the only truth we have: Martina did an oil change for Alberto before she left. So based on this fact, we know that Martina went to party again and exercise her right (based on her own thinking) to partner-swapping (Swinging). LOL P.S. Porto time for Girlsfun2...lot of fun for you Martina and for me....good nap for tomorrow Martina....you will have all day long to rest....LOL
  7. The relationship between Martina and Alberto: * The majority of us feel that the relationship between Alberto and Martina is a FWB one and that ok * I would add a component of one-way swingers because Martina is the one who practices it, that explains everything we see, what do you think? The relationship between Martina and Bogdan: * I reviewed the videos of an old party and you can see Bogdan and Martina dancing against each other and kissing passionately on the mouth and Bogdan caressing with his hands Martina from her head to her lower body and afterwards, tells Martina to go to Nelly, she is 'available'. I am a woman and if I accept that a man kisses me in this way and that he caresses me gently like this, no doubt, he wants to have me in his bed OR if I want to obtain his authorization to go to bed with his wife, I will be able to allow him that he can kisses me and touches me in this way? In my opinion, this is exactly what Martina was willing to do to get access to Nelly and let's not forget, Bogdan is in the RLC organization and Martina know how to play her card. And later when Bogdan told Martina that the relationship with Nelly had to end, we understand that Martina felt betrayed for letting Bogdan take advantage of her person and body to gain access to Nelly. To me, Martina did, over time, made 'oil change' for Bogdan more then one time to make sure that she can have access to 'wife' Nelly without problem. And a funny story: * I'm listening to Eric Clapton's song "I Can't Stand It" and the lyrics could be what Alberto thinks of Martina. Here are some lyrics: You've been told, so maybe it's time that you learned You've been sold, maybe it's time that you earned You're fooling around, I can't stand it You're running around, I can't stand it You're fooling around with my heart I'll explain, I feel like i'm being used Make it plain, so you don't get confused You have fun with my heart It's time, time for me to let you know It's not a crime, not a crime to let your feelings show I can't stand it
  8. A little joint at home or at B7 with other ? Every time, a little joint push her libido to the max....Check yourself Alberto....be ready....Us we are ready LOL Come on Martina, let yourself be free of your sexual expression ! Yes Girls !
  9. your right ! Just to correct my phase: what was supposed to be a big fireworks, but turned out to be a complete disaster, a small match not even lit Vacation with her, it will not be only great sex but great time to be with because of her great personality, smile and she is interested in everything around (but check for man or woman around). AH ! the feel good sensation to be with someone you trusts
  10. A little summary: * Yes Alberto and Martina are looking at pictures of women on a website for a 3 some or a new bi experience for Martina, Alberto likes to contribute for his tastes * In the last few days, Martina walks around completely naked and takes suggestive poses and caresses herself in front of Alberto but Alberto is very slow to act and even not at all. It's not hard to imagine that any man could resist so much stimulation for days in a row LOL! Martina asks and asks for more and she gets nothing. Still no wonder she looks away and finds... * I find it very frustrating, Alberto doesn't know what he has in his hands, I hope that one day he will be alone or be with a woman who would not be as sexually expressive as Martina, Alberto you frustrate me a lot! * The funny thing is that the other day, Martina is completely naked on the couch and Alberto comes to give her some yogurt and Martina poses with her mouth open as if she has just done a blow job and lets a bit of it run over the edge of her lips and swallows it slowly with a smile...Alberto doesn't get the message and does nothing! Martina has the libido ready to explode and nothing... * The big meeting with Nelly: a big firecracker that went off like a small match; with the positions of the cams, completely useless, the participants are all in blind spots, impossible to follow anything. * And the cherry on the cake, to see Bogdan doing naked pushups on the balcony with the law of gravity that his little jewel does not touch the ground! RLC should do as in the news when it announces that scenes may not be suitable for some people, I felt sick LOL P.S. Vacation trip: that why Martina is so happy in the last few days, she feel so free and when this happen, her libido is at 200 % 24/7. Imagine a vacation with Martina, a dream for any man or women with her to enjoy every days at full.
  11. Martina is so happy right now, dancing constantly, taking her vitamins, full body wash, makeup, proud of her body and ready to have it admired by anyone. Oh yes, the big activities are coming, she knows for sure that she is going to have a lot of fun, it's summer, sunshine, Nelly is not far away, lots of girls in the other apartments to 'deepen'. She knows that she is in full possession of her sexual desires and is 200% ready to experience repeated orgasms. I understand her being so happy, at her age, it's the best because she is in her peak sexual period and she has the chance to exploit it to the fullest. Even today, there are still many women who are "blocked" and unfortunately, will remain so for a long time. I have two friends who do not see sexuality as a normal human activity. However, they are very fulfilled in everyday life, but the education and traditions they received deprive them of many of life's pleasures, it's unfortunate. Enjoy it Martina because life will bring you different responsibilities and leisure time will not be as much at will but there will always be some if you know how to play your cards. P.S. In the meantime, I just saw the video of Nelly, who after having very strong orgasms, started to cry and had to be comforted by Bogdan, but a few minutes later she was happy with a big smile and a calm joy of life. Some women experience orgasms very emotionally. Have fun every one ! Love you !!!!! P.S. Lot to do today for me but no sex, no time and my boyfriend still work today (hospital) for 12 hours in a row and I know when he return home, tired, he will eat and fall asleep in from of the TV or is PC in 15 minutes with our big dog on his knees....that life. You see Martina, life change over time.
  12. Imagine Martina telling Candela, how to 'use' Alberto for a quickie because Candela need FWB also and why not 'use' Alberto to have some sexual fun ? Martina will be 'directing' Alberto and Candela how to do it. Martina will tell "Alberto keep doing it, yes you can hold more minutes, do it one more time, Come on Alberto !!!!' Alberto can do it for the love he have for Martina. If Martina ask, he will do it. With Candela no love is involved, only sexual pleasure. LOL P.S. Oh ! my god....I'm on the porto right now and got good feeling...got to see Nelly, Nelly where are you my dear ?
  13. In every way she can be, it fun, she a fun girl to have and I understand Martina to have her. I like her very much. Also I'm sure that in the 'sexuality' , she must be very wilde in a good way and meaning....! She is getting closer to show 'skin' to Alberto the same way Martina does. In a few days, I think that we will end up to see Martina topless (like usual) and also Candela topless in the apartment. Like Martina has show, "in summer, it hot in the apartment so you have to let the air circulated around the breast". Candela will follow Martina for sure. AH ! Summer what a beautiful time.....LOL
  14. The choice is evident, the new guys are looking at Bogdan and they want to do a 3 some with him...and Nelly will tell them " keep Bogdan busy, I have thing to do with Martina and Martina is mine, ok boy !" LOL..... P.S. Go Nelly, Go !!! Do what you have to do, you are a coach to Martina, Yes girl !!!!
  15. But the picture was taken from outside some where in time, strange that we are able to find a picture of Blacky from the outside.
  16. I believe that in her case, her addiction to social media and being constantly in a world of appearance and being confronted with constant judgments everywhere, affects, sooner or later, the person's mind, it is a common story nowadays. You can't live your life connected to a phone 24 hours a day and live constantly on the judgment of others. Linda, look around, good life is there for you ! Big Kiss to you Linda
  17. About Leora, your right, strange 'viewing' of nothing.... I will add: the same thing for Masha, a sex machine that, in the end, does not bring anything interesting, unless you are a teenage voyeur At the end, all tastes are in nature and if these cases please customers, it is good for them.
  18. Weekend for Martina in a few hours: All bets are off...what will Martina do? Something to do with Nelly ? Beach to get 'no' tan line ? Something else ? Come on !
  19. Also that Nelly is very protective of her preys...and Martina, even with her free will, is also the kind of person who gets sexually controlled.
  20. Good possibilities LOL Imagine if Alberto has to do 2 'holes' at the same time and keep at least...5 minutes ....Alberto , you need help ? 😜 P.S. And Martina and Candela would finish the job by themselves for few hours and Martina, at the same time, talk with Nelly with Facetime...LOL
  21. @ddhmMy comment was for you, sorry, type too fast and submit...
  22. Quickie Martina and Alberto and Candela in the shower: Wow Martina, while Candela is taking a shower, she made a quickie with Alberto. She wanted to prove to herself that she could do it with at worst, Candela who sees them. Martina, afterwards, went to tell Candela what she had just done with Alberto, proof that she can make him do what she wants, Martina was proud. Martina could propose to Candela to use Alberto for quickie if necessary....
  23. Happy to ear from you ! Oh yes! Martina should be 'introduced' to all these beautiful people. There are so many possibilities to fill Martina's 'needs' and imagine all the discoveries Nelly can 'show' Martina. Martina likes to be naked with the other girls and do 'activities'...back in the good old days of B4 We're on the same page....Big kiss !!
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