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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Good ideal ! Let hope ! About Radi: I don't know if you are like me but I'm sort of tired of seeing Radi naked doing anything. The other day, she was taking very close pictures of the other 2 who were fucking, there was nothing interesting about it. Have a good day !
  2. LOL, it almost that !!!! I tried to do that but the situation quickly returned to his advantage, I won't say more, but he was in control. Heavy change of oil, I like that. My dog was there, just like Taco, looking. I believe that Taco and my dog exchange on the Dog forum on camcaps because I heard him typing with his paws on the keyboard and and he seemed very happy.... LOL , be back later...
  3. hi, too busy with my patient... 😷😉will come back later but in the meantime, Martina has gone out to spend her weekend, is that right?
  4. lucky you ! take the time to relax, we all need it .
  5. Hi @ddhm, Love to read you and learn. You are here since a very long time ago....lucky you to have witness all that story, that why I know that you speak from experience. I would like to have your opinion on this: what could have bring Alberto and Martina together in life before RLC ? how Martina and Alberto 'decide' to go into RLC ? I know that the real answer would come from them (it would be a good idea that RLC put questions of the forum for them to answer) but we have to guest and I want to know your 'guest'. thank ! Big kiss
  6. If we follow the scenario, yes 'oil change' for Alberto, and Friday night so the 'garage' is open for more 'work' this weekend. Ready for the night at the 'garage' again... for other 'oil change' or 'change of lubricant' depending of the type of 'car' she will encounter tonight, it still early for the night shift 00:35. Now it time to start the music out loud, introduction of : Also Sprach Zarathustra !!!!!! P.S. You can notice that since we cannot presume that everybody is 18 or older, so we must use 'special language' to explain what could happen. If someone can add some picture to help, feel free ! Girlsfun2 that put a teacher's costume tonight...sexy one and with a serum of porto in her hand...why..because my boyfriend is not working now and he says he needs to have his vital signs checked (he work at the hospital) and he must perform well to pass the exam, come on young boy.....😷
  7. yes your right ! Infection....or vaginitis.....that why she was taking the probiotic but it will not help....
  8. she was caressing herself (boobs and between her leg) in front of Alberto. Strangely, she kept scratching between her legs...Nelly went too hard... But one thing for sure, she was beautiful with that makeup.....😲 And her and Alberto have a long talk in the bathroom, the most important talk is out of RLC..... And when she caress and kiss Alberto like this, she want to show herself: "Yes I still love Alberto and Alberto still love me". I know when you have adventure with someone else, you want to convince yourself that with your 'regular' lover, everything is all right... And she did try to have sex with Alberto....no lock...what a loss of libido...If I was Martina, I will get real mad...but she must think, that all right, I will use my libido with other who can satisfy me 😒
  9. she return around 21:10 , she was a little drunk..what I call, her show motion of moving... serious talk with Alberto and she mention 'she' a lot .... I bet that Nelly was the one she was meeting...hopefully not in the parking lot this time....
  10. I think that his wife know but she doesn't mind or show. The one who seem to get the most must be the man, he fuck 2 beautiful woman, I tell you. When he finish with one, he goes to the other one without telling his wife. I notice now that my friend always talk about him, what he do, where is go . it seem to me that when she said "I see him time to time", it not only that but she must communicated with him all the time. The same what Martina does with other one. In case of Martina, she doesn't mind to do it in front of Alberto. I don't understand how my friend can want to have a relationship like this with that man. She will always be the endless mistress...
  11. few minute after, put a braless shirt and put all the makeup and she was out. You must be beautiful and attractive if you plan to have a an adventure in sexual attraction....
  12. Yesterday, long conversation over the phone in the strategic location: bathroom (near kitchen). She remained 'voluntarily' in that place during the call... She know in that place, we cannot ear or cam... p.s. I remember that she has done that with Nelly...
  13. Tonight, a little probiotic for digestion and the intestines for Martina....be careful Alberto, next time...what comes in as a probiotic will come out where you know...LOL
  14. A friend of mine, still maintains a 'relationship' with her ex and he has been married for several years now and seems very happy. Strange, he and his wife get along well with my friend. But his wife must suspect that there are things not clear unless she is blind (feminine intuition, she must know...). But she seems to be thinking "he's married to me, happy and I'm the legal beneficiary of his assets (see a lot of money here). But in all of this, my friend definitely doesn't want to break up their marriage. In sum, it looks like the triangle by Nelly, Bogdan and Martina. When I ask my friend about what kind of relationship she has with him, she answer: "I get the level of love I want and that enough for me, just meeting him time to time, it ok, his happy with that and I'm happy, I'm not able to stop". And my friend is living alone.... So do you think it could be what is happening to Nelly, Bogdan and Martina ? P.S. I know that Martina is not living alone but Alberto is not someone that stop Martina looking around.
  15. If you listen carefully, he speak all those language when he is talking directly to Martin ass....LOL
  16. the story of the parking lot with Martina and Nelly is so great and offer a lot of possibilities. When I was living in LA, some of my friends were 'writers' for sitcom and when we were drunk and stoned, they explained how to chain events and that fascinated me. I think, I still have something in my brain about that old time. Keep the fun around you too !!
  17. Yes, I notice that Alberto keep asking her "where was the parking lot last night ? "
  18. Alberto is the master of the woman ass......is really good at that, he could do a good job of any friends of Martina
  19. Martina is thirsty to explore her sexuality and including Alberto is a logical step perhaps. For the Alberto part: yes, it is a possibility but considering Alberto's perfectionist side (wow the big word I just wrote here !), he wants to participate but he has to: get Taco out wash Taco paw finish the dishes the cleaning of the apartment and remove trace of his sperm everywhere feed Blacky talk to the fish, they too have some need of interaction watch the end of his movie on his cell phone play a last game on the play station have a little nap do a bike run decide what to do in his life has to interpret the stone face of Martina at the beginning of her period plan what to cook for the next meal keep a book about all of Martina 'meeting' in case a of STI and make sure that Martina take her pill because when she drunk or stone, she forget complete the understanding of the his book "the Matter of life " practice his mind "no nothing is happing here" over and over when Martina is with someone in the bedroom naked and drunk or stone or outside the weekend night (we must say, he is really good at this) call Bogdan, time to time, to make sure that Nelly is the only one fucking Martina. Bogdan answer the same thing all the time: Yes they do and they are trying some new parking lot every weekend. So you see, it not easy....LOL P.S. Alberto, me I love you...only 5 minute at a time...and went you give me a little panty you take on the floor to wipe me off for the those drops of yours...LOL
  20. OH ! @ddhm you are better then me about scenarios and I like it Love you ! By the way, Nelly and Martina exchange a lot of 'affections' without been drunk and they still do on my side of the story. I will add this to your scenario: in the villa, let built a parking lot and let the action begin, it would be so much fun !!!!!! And just beside the parking lot: let have a little bar some cushions just in case somebody 'fell' a cam that work on and off just to frustrate us watching a big hot tub for memory of the big fun before a little dog park for Alberto and Taco and Bogdan...well....he stay in the garage and look at Martina boobs and remember the last time he 'tasted' those in the car the last time (the ride he gave to Martina, suppose to take 1 hour and ended up 3 hours after....) last but not least, a visit from Gina, who became a nun of the church of infinite love of frizzy hair guy (a new kind church) Hope you are right, I'm following the money here, let spend some more ..I'm waiting for fun
  21. Just to make a little change here about the conversation, in the past days: Alberto use his fingers a lot for the benefit of Martina, great video Martina has done a lot of exercices, topless to have a better circulation of air around her, great video those exercice provoke the augmentation of her libido and Alberto was put in good use to free that excess, great video Martina was happy, again, taking a shower and exchange a conversation with someone with her cell phone send some pictures of her smile and has her fingers pointing at her breast...who's the lucky one on the other side ? great video Martina add a night out during the week, practicing for the weekend night to come, return home, good kiss to Alberto (sleeping) great video with the 'gay' friend "Nicola' , she explain to him the fish tank, walk the dog with him, a lot of little delicate physical caresses with an exchange of looks full of tenderness, great video. Martina misses a lot of that with Alberto, that's why she compensates for that aspect with her 'friends' all the time. A woman must feel desired without ending up in sexual activity all the time. Despite Martina having a lot of libido, she need that also. Martina was taking care of your photos and we saw picture of a woman very beautiful and young smiling and Martina was also smiling, great video And above all, Nelly is always there in her mind when she was laying on her back, full frontal, all naked on the bed and lost in thoughts, great video
  22. So Bogdan is the only one that can tell Martina what to do ? Martina has always say "no one will stop me doing what I want" The only think that can stop Martina is to stop money coming from RLC and Bogdan know it.....the Bogdan power.....
  23. Ah ! Taco, he's a young boy and know how to have fun like a young boy. I bet that even If Alberto say NO, we know that Taco gona say "Eh you, Martina is my master and I enjoy sex like her !" We know that is true when Taco was with the 'match' that Martina show him.... Taco said "I will be better then Alberto Martina ! So it was true because, Taco last 5 minutes.....
  24. summer is coming, will it be tan line on Martina body ? Barcelona beach.....sun everywhere....beautiful Barcelona girls....
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