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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. you got it, RLC is there to make money and how to do it : let people have there fantasy driven mechanism like you write, that the real true and I'm agree. But I find it fun and it help me relax
  2. For my side: Is she an exhibitionist ?: Yes, On and Off cam At the all night parties there are no cams so Martina behaves and doesn’t become frisky : No, sexual activities everywhere, On and Off cam She was very shy when she first kissed Nelly in the kitchen : Yes in a way, she was deeply touch because it was a real true love feeling that she exchange at that moment with Nelly, It was very very deep love. At this level, you feel in some way very vulnerable and a certain shyness can manifest itself because it touches your deepest identity. That's why this video totally blew me away because I didn't expect that on RLC. It was the best true love scene I've seen on RLC. Just the look they exchanged, tell it all. But she certainly didn’t get aroused by showing her body to her brother : For Martina, showing her body can mean 2 completely different things. Showing yourself completely naked in front of someone necessarily has a sexual connotation, BUT for Martina, depending on her upbringing and beliefs, this is not always the case for her: her body and her sexual body is 2 different thing. And that's what is somehow out of the norm and what intrigues everyone. About Nelly Yes she can be out but to me, Nelly is still out there somewhere...there a 'link' alive To the men in the forum: About Alberto: He accepts all of Martina's adventures because his own needs are fulfilled with what she offers him: which man doesn't like to have a woman who loves them a lot and covers them with caresses all the time and that it is rather the woman who makes the majority of the sexual advances and never complaint about the sex life ? On the other hand, he has to live with the idea that he has to 'share' Martina with other people (man and woman) on all levels: love, affection, sexuality, time, travel, vacations etc. And that's what is somehow out of the norm and what intrigues everyone. What would you do in Alberto's place? I have the impression that the majority would say 'why not let Martina do what she wants, I have pretty much everything I want and I answer her need for security and to be the companion she can count on in everyday life for the past 10 years, I can trust her ?" So what Alberto is doing compare to your answer ? Wow I'm serious and no porto.
  3. hi chuck206, Yes when Martina has her 'thinking face' or her 'stone face' , there something going on...Usually she end up kissing Alberto with a lot of affection. It give the impression that Alberto accept 'again' that she want to pass more time with other doing what ever she want. Even this afternoon, she was like demanding "I want to go out, I need it' and he say ok like everytime.... It make me think when I was with my former boyfriend, he accepted more and more thing like doing more special meeting with my 'girlfriends on the side' until one day, he tell me, he out of that life. I push the limit to the max. But it good to notice and have this information can help us to better understand what going on. There relationship is quite special no doubt. Thank
  4. interesting, thank for the information, I was just wandering about that. Yes there is some probability and her real name is know by some but the association with information and her name or picture is possible. Funny , on my side too, many year ago, they did a 'search' on me for my job. I appreciate your intervention, thank again
  5. just before she leave this afternoon, she explain what she want to do (going out...) and she give Alberto a lot of kiss and affection, just like a kid "can I go, can I go...please ?' She make herself beautiful, hair, makeup rapidly and bring something from the bathroom that she take real fast and put in her purse, no able to see what it was. She was all happy when she look herself in the miroir before going out. Martina gona have some fun tonight like the song "Long Tall Sally" that go like this: I'm gonna have some fun tonight, have some fun tonight Have some fun tonight, everything's all right Have some fun, have me some fun tonight
  6. I will check, was it in the bedroom or else ? Around midnight ?
  7. effectively your right but I must say that it is strange that all or you are talking about Martina kids....you are really in advance here and Alberto the father ? LOL But to me the most important part, is the job/workplace that she will have some day or higher education/school. We all know that what goes in the net , stay in the net. Sooner or later, someone near her will know about...that will bother me if I was in her shoe. She do nothing wrong here and it ok to be nude or to have sex on the net and she must have receive good sex education (not to think that is bad) but not all people are on the same level about sex, no doubt. But somebody can always use the information and use it again her. There some much more crazy people in the worlds now. Good talk ashleyxyz and JenniferMom and tle Kiss you all ! p.s. I have less time for RLC now but I will comeback more regularly. I finish my day at work and I'm very tired mentally. And to see those peoples in the RLC having s so much time to do nothing....it let me think about the meaning of life...To relax, I'm watching 'Casablanca' (for X times), Wow ! Ingrid Bergman was so much beautiful in that movie, I imagine the feeling just to hold her in my arm...sweet dream 💖
  8. yes, it look so sad, I wonder too. Maybe bad news about RLC or her OF page. It touch me.
  9. stop pretending that Martina is a slot and I will become serious LOL
  10. "when she's out she wouldn't mind if it was in someone else's bed or up against a wall or even in a parking lot" Exactly , you write it right, that what she do, when she dance and drink we saw what was happening, she always express her sexual feeling that say "come and fuck me, I'm ready" anywhere and she really want it. Human brain cannot block the repetition of so intense great fun and pleasure, in her case, she need it so much. It the same for everybody: we all reach to have satisfaction in life and the sexual one are the core on human been. The worst case scenario, is the use of heavy drug. This is a good example of what I mean. For Martina, her sexual impulse is so strong, that she need more and more. Look how she is so happy when she know she will go out those night...her brain tell her: maximum fun is coming again my dear....you are just a few step away from it, fuck Alberto for 5 minutes and your are free for many hours outside RLC where everything is permit and let those people in the forum think that I go to church and pray with some man and woman....Amen ! Do Love not War they said.... Question: Before leaving the apartment, she bring her pill, Kleenex, some panties and lotion but I wonder if she bring some condom ? an STD can happen so fast.....and thinking about the taste of her ass by Alberto...hum....not sure it ok....
  11. Oh my god, she was so drunk or have some stuff, she was hungry.... She has problem to put one feet in front of the other, and walking side to side to the wall, try to take some water from the bottle was not so easy, funny, those thing happen...to me often LOL But I always has the same question: she come back by herself, walking drunk like that alone ? So much thing can happen. At least, she know where she live.
  12. funny Alberto get a job , who will do all the job at the apartment ? It impossible. Imagine, Alberto too tired to fuck because of the job, what Martina will do ? She will not have enough with those weekend night, she will have to bring Nelly at home ! Alberto will be most of the time , taking a nap..... But I must say, that would be interesting....imagine Martina and Nelly fucking just beside Alberto sleeping....LOL Great show for us, so it good ideal, do you find ? Alberto, 100 $ if you find a job and 100 $ more if you let, again, Nelly come home at any time, helping Martina 'need', good ? So we do a GoFundMePage for you ? Oh my god, creasy stuff 😆
  13. Usually before going out those night weekend: she fuck Alberto to make sure is ok go naked all around the apartment to show him that she fully 'equipped' for the night to come, all beautiful and that no one will be able to resist a body like her...Alberto confirm it with some touch....specially in her ass, like usual 😆 She is so happy (me too) to go out those night that Alberto can have all the sex he want before she leave, in Alberto case, 5 minutes is enough.😆 this is so easy so her. Funny when Alberto is doing is stuff, she can have a good conversation with Taco at the same time, Martina is a good mother. After that 5 minutes, she know that she have a lot of sexual energy left for long hours into the night. Yes she will need a long nap during the day, but she feel so relax to have that full sexual energy out the nigh before, she knows she did what she want. Yes go girl ! Sweat dream, again, Martina. Don't forget to kiss Nelly for me in your dream...I will do the same...
  14. I was looking at the way Martina prepare herself tonight before leaving. She dance and touch herself naked to confirm herself that she confident about her sex appeal, every woman do that and it great. We have that great 'power'. But the finality of all this is to have the perfect attraction to other 'human being' and feel desired and ultimately satisfy that libido. For Martina, it is a big business... In other word, to have sex for long hour and for Martina, just add a few drink and other 'stuff' maybe and everything will go the way she want it..... Have sweat dream Alberto, Martina, right now, feel so good, desired and have so much sexual pleasure all over her body.....
  15. LOL ! I read between the line and look at left and look at right and if everything is ok, I go in front and when on the other side, I look back....that the way, I can, base on fact, how what happen in the last 15 minutes then I repeat again and again and after a few years, I can, base on my experience, know what deduction that I can make that will be, at least, 85 % true. It like the "Meaning Of Life" from MP, if you need more explanation 😉 But in the world of "alternate fact" it doesn't go that way, it's totally erratic but I'm not in this kind of world (but some are here and we know who...) I hope it help you to better understand what I write. And don't forget, always bring more fun to this forum, I Love the one how do that. So I love you only if you want receive my love, do you want my love ? Whatever, I'll have one more glass of porto for you....and right now, I'm already quite full on that side, so I'm making a good deal here for you LOL!
  16. I love your picture, you really has done something special to put that picture. To look at it, it express so much good. Did I say, I love it ? 😄 For Alberto: long bike run, shower, 'short' fuck with Martina, smartphone game and let Martina go to party 'to exchange fluids' with other all night long and put martina to bed in the morning because she is drunk and stone and physically tired of you know what. At least, she do not do the extreme like Masha... A long and winding road...(like the song by McCartney).
  17. Oh ! It was and still going on: a deep deep relationship, not only sex but also about true love and a lot of tenderness and affection. It rare that you can find all that much in a lover relationship. But Nelly did and still do have some problem to deal with her goal in life and Martina was and still is, a way for Nelly to relax and someone she can trust with the special bond between woman that we have. But now, they see each other or exchange outside of RLC, time to time. Martina want to keep that 'relation' but like she do with Alberto, she kept looking around to find another lover male or female, everything is open for Martina. She has that free will and someday, she will find that 'someone' special and the relationship with Alberto and Nelly will be more 'distant'. Like everybody do...
  18. "But what do I know? I fill my time chatting on an internet message board about people having sex on camera." LOL your right ! We all need to find ways to let our brain to do stuff that relax us, we live in a world so much more complex these days. And that forum is a good way to relax. So let have fun and relax at the same time....That Martina has show when she was with Nelly, if you look at those videos when they just look into each other eyes when they are just holding each other...hum...you feel the 'good time and relaxation' , so much love and tenderness
  19. Me too, when I see Alberto blocking 'my view'. I do not like it. But don't forget that the bathroom is the only place where they can have private conversation and no sound is play/record on RLC. That why they do a lot of 'thing' in the bathroom :all there plan about themselves and RLC 'life'. That also why, Martina and her friends end up in the bathroom for confidential talk. And they take the opportunity to take a shower or go to the toilet together sometimes, why not And that also explain the famous scene when she was taking a shower and speak with her brother on the toilet. They were talking probably about RLC and her mother's opinions of RLC: in the past Martina has already mentioned that her mother doesn't really approve of her being on RLC. At the end: The bathroom is where the answer are ..... So let have fun in the bathroom !!!!
  20. About the episode of the parking lot: Martina must have liked it a lot because her exhibitionism side. Her and nelly had had a lot of practice on bed, on the floor, standing etc. I imagine them in the parking lot and felling down drunk and bang on the head, dangerous🤸‍♀️ ....but they love each other so much, they could not resist to push there love to the max again... Next time: Martina and Nelly, please go the bedroom, Alberto will prepare the bed for you and give you water and nobody will get hurt and if you want to have private talk (out of RLC) go the bathroom and why not take a shower together and discover so many more part of the body together, so much fun.... P.S. Nelly stop taking control of my hand and talk about you...love you Nelly...Nelly is a beautiful girl with so much love and tenderness to give and Martina could not resist, lucky Martina. Nelly stop drinking, you have to plan more movie to do with Martina at the hotel in a few days...
  21. Martina and Alberto did have a long talk in the bathroom and seeing Martina face it was serious matter. That why all the 'real' conversation take place, always, in the bathroom because there no sound recording.....That explain also when she talk with her brother, her friends etc Martina: "we have to talk, let go to the bathroom and I will take a shower to show that everything is all right or go to the toilet all together...." that the funny part. But that long conversation with Alberto in the bathroom was special. After she went on the bed, half naked, and show her famous 'thinking' face: do I bate or think... When she have that 'face', something important is worrying her: adventure on the RLC living with Alberto pass more time with her friends man and woman, find what can satisfy her need for: party, sex, exhibitionist etc. She want a real life (the studying) and have fun at all level of her sexuality...that what we try all the time in life and when your younger, it the best time to explore and know, with time, what really drive you ! So we not only need traduction of conversations but also somebody who can 'read' the lips......like in the movie and google traduction is not at that level
  22. LOL ! I forget to say : The part for Alberto in this 3 or 4 some: feed the fish in the tank LOL But for her friends to see them on RLC, it not that easy like us, they have to pass with a vpn that will not be detected par RLC (RLC block almost alll of vpn, like in china...).
  23. Knowing that: * Martina has no problem on topless beaches and also does full body tan at the beach * Martina has no problem getting naked "at the same time" in front of her friends and Alberto * Martina has no problem making love to Alberto even if her friends are nearby (friend's room) * Martina has no problem doing sexual provocation (the scene of putting ice on her nipples to make them erect) in front of the guests during the weekend party * Alberto, in the presence of Martina's friends, has his hands 'wandering' to indicate to Martina that he can meet her sexual needs in the apartment (good luck Alberto by the way) In short, the conditions are met for Martina to be able to say to herself: why not have a complete sex with Alberto" directly in front of her friends in the apartment and may be it time to experiment directly on RLC, 3 or 4 some. ? it will feel the same when I have sex with other peoples on certain weekend nights ? Ah! we would gain a lot!
  24. Always thank a lot for those mark on the replay !!! Love you.🙂 When I'm out for a long period and comeback and read interesting stuff, I have some problem to find where exactly it happen. If you have idea how to find stuff easily, let me know. About the Replay : she a nice lady funny to see Alberto making touch to Martina and in front of her friend. Me, I will never let my boyfriend make sexual move on me in front of friend and I will not let myself almost naked in front of my boyfriend when a friend is there even under a lot of proto😛. I realize that the majority of Spanish girls seem to have small breasts and that's why we see so much 'silicone', personally even I have small B, I don't like the look of implants. My boyfriend has told me that he like the natural and the real touch and that a lot of man think like that. Have fun !!!!
  25. Eh ! I was out for some time but I will come back later. By the way, Martina will receive more then one 'gift' for Valentine's week...if you read between the line, it not only Alberto who offer something, there someone special around the corner.....the special someone with a lot of tenderness..... And great news on the BBC: Night-life activities in Barcelona are ALL FULL OPEN NO Restrictions.....Martina will be able to express all herself in public party, WATCH OUT partygoer in Barcelona !!!!! Martina is coming strong at full speed of libido !!!! All body fluid exchange is allowed, finally the sky is the limit Martina ! And to you: prepare yourself for all those comeback home episodes to come, we will have some very good show, I tell you..... P.S. Taco know what will happen but he has to keep his mouth shut except to kiss Martina anywhere....
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