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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. yes they did it again....in a lot of caress and affectionate touch💕 And they will do it again, Martina put a nice dress and all the makeup for... And Alberto is all happy, he will be alone with his phone and the X-box... Oh ! it's going to be a hot hot hot night, prepare the libido...and let hope that they will choose to come back to the apartment instead of a parking lot... I'm happy for them.💋
  2. Sometime, I imagine myself, Martina and Nelly all together with a glass of wine (well many glass...) and porto.....we have to dream in life , no ? Hope you have sweet dream too.
  3. ok So let wait for the comeback.... Outside, they can do a lot of thing, imagine what could happen if they walk near a parking lot....LOL
  4. first step: a lot of kiss on the balcony, no cam second step: a lot of kiss and touch outside, no cam third step: the WOW factor ? somewhere over the rainbow...."Toto, we're not back in B4 anymore" for those who know what it mean.... 😄
  5. Finally, Alberto keep out of the apartment. Martina and Nelly need all the place that they can get for special muscle exercises, it going to be an intensive training and for better results, Martina and Nelly do not have to be interrupt. Girlsfun2, the new trainer 🤣
  6. AH ! AH ! I always told you that Nelly was always there somewhere...... OH ! OH ! my beautiful Nelly Kiss you, kiss you .... So Martina: Enjoy a very good time with Nelly...right in the bedroom after the meal, we are all ready for it, push that libido to the limit where the sky is the limit !!!! Now it time to have real FUN 😍 p.s. Alberto keep the fish happy for a 8 to 9 hours, we are in the weekend time....
  7. Thank ! That girl on the La ruleta de la suerte is very nice looking Martina is out ? Friday night ...... Did she do a oil change for Alberto today ?
  8. what is the channel news they are looking at ? I like to see it in the net.
  9. but knowing that Nelly is Russian, she must have an exchange with her about the war. Make love not war...Martina and Nelly are good example, hope they show that 'love' again'.
  10. the scene in the bathtub just a few hours ago: it's rare that she takes a bubble bath what was Martina reading and practicing, something to lean ? it seem that she did take a few picture of herself
  11. no activity.... by the way, behind RLC...Russian connection ?
  12. Hi Friese60, LOL you read my mind !😄 The other day, I was talking with a friend and she said to me "do you realize that you are on this RLC forum, it's completely contrary to you; serious and intellectual and fun in everyday life, your are losing your time ? Effectively I am surprised myself but I explain this to myself (my rational side again), this activity allows me to 'escape' from this current life that I find much too mentally overloaded now (work and constraint of interaction with others because of work both in person and on the net) and on the other hand, I see, as I have often mentioned in the past, what Martina is going through and it reminds me of that period I also went through (several years ago), a lot of similarities in some aspects like her BI side, her go-getter, her opportunity and her Alberto who accepts everything. If Martina 'story' was not in RLC, I would not be here. A question for those who have been here for many years: what did Martina do in the past: activities, partners etc. before she 'started' her studies again? If I understand correctly, Martina and Alberto are here since 2017 (It's a long way to go) ? Now, I feel relax because of you all...do you feel the same way ?.💤
  13. When I was younger, at the age of Martina, I was working in LA in the movie industry. I I did writing contracts for films. There was a lot of party and meeting and at that time, it was a 'free' world. The term escort was not the term used but it was, in a way, the same purpose. So much interesting peoples (some bad and weird) but a lot of fun, 'big' life, money, power, party, drug, etc. But you didn't want to stay too long....
  14. Your right ! I write about the escort possibility a few week ago. Martina is a good candidate for this, she has everything you need. If she is not into this, she missing a lot of opportunity far better then RLC. Beside money (a lot) she can even meet someone who would meet her sexual needs and more intense love and affection. A woman always loves to be in the presence of a man who knows where he is going, has power over his own life, mature and of course money (it helps 😉) In her case, she BI so, far more opportunity. I know it sounds a lot like those love stories in the movies but there's a grain of truth. And above all that, she can continue her studies and open many doors in her life, I speak from experience. One of the greatest pleasures in life is showing others the possibilities they have that they don't necessarily see. Naturally, these possibilities must be done with respect for oneself and others. And I think she have all that it take + maturity. We are 2022....
  15. by the way, the question was not to you because we all know what will be your answers, you have a pattern here and it so easy (too easy) , to 'see' how you react. 😉 But, again, read between the line....you did it, again, confirm, that you think that Martina is a slut, well, she is not. P.S. But I encourage you to continue, we all have to have fun here and you are a good source of it but do better sarcasm.... LOL
  16. maybe Martina ask them to do some show for RLC since she will be out, that are friends for ? LOL Ah ! those Barcelona girls , they know how to party LOL And we are waiting for the show, Martina or not, we pay....
  17. Oh ! that was the good time. Martina was going out to go the the B4, so the 'out' was in another RLC, that was the good time for us to see what was happening out and those party were good time 🙂 I bet you miss it like me ?
  18. The friend of martina, really love her....very much...that good..she express her affection to her in a good way, the 'special way between Barcelona girl'. Hope that they express more and more....it a good start.....
  19. that from tv screen ? Where do you obtain that picture ? Do you have other ?
  20. happy that you confirm it again, I like that. Let smoke something..... Like in the movie "Casablanca' "Play it again Sam" Yes
  21. Yes, I' m happy that your are agree with me : they smoke pot. Now, one step at a time.... Next: I have to have you confirm that Martina has weekend night with full of sexual activities. (spoiler alert) Check my next intervention and read between the line, I belt you gona say something that you don't want to admit...🙃 Let have some fun ! Love you Adalbert !
  22. hum...where are they ? out, caution, some will think that the go smoke stuff together..... p.s. Taco doesn't take drug, he always have a good show all the time, he has to keep awake.....Martina and Alberto are doing show every time of the day and night. Taco we are with you to follow what is happening.
  23. weekend night are coming......the 'stress' of what will happen ? GO Martina, Full throttle , we need a show !!! in or out , we don't mind, have fun ! We see or guest , that the game here.....
  24. How come there wasn’t a lot of talk about yesterday’s video around 10:00 in the bedroom? Last night’s video around 22:00 in the bedroom was simply sublime, incredible, I was completely overwhelmed. The video of the past between Martina and Nelly was the most incredible, but this video of yesterday finds itself as the second most incredible. Martina and Alberto took advantage of the outing with the dogs to smoke some pot. On the way back, Martina was full of energy (wow!) and even sang in English and the lyrics were funny sexual and danced like a real pro of a naked dancer. It was impossible to resist a show like this, I wonder how Alberto did not go crazy. And she was constantly laughing. Alberto was also stoned. Funny, funny!! And all this sex afterwards and naturally even after all this energy release, Martina still wanted more WOW!!! Dance and sang again and sexual expression. We see the experience she gained during her weekend nights, she knows how to dance and make very sexually suggestive movements. Amazing!!! All this lasted more than an hour!!!!! Even Alberto lasted 'long time' (to a certain degree...) In conclusion: So, no doubt, booze and pot and dance, on her weekend nights, it must be amazing to see her at parties or wherever she goes and don't forget, she is a exhibitionist. I imagine that on these weekend nights, she can experience sexual pleasure with several people with the energy she showed last night.... And you all know the citation: Make love Not war And a 'little' pot to Martina and Alberto does a lot of good to us RLC viewer Funny, funny, funny Girlsfun2 !
  25. to be on RLC, it to make money (a lot) with your body without having to do it in the physical world. I must admit, it a easy way to earn money with your body in 2022. If you want to go further, go with OF for money (a lot and a lot). But for us here.....it is a way to spend money..... Who wins here ? LOL
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