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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. LOL imagine if you at the other side and Martina tell you good thing about you and have a big smile just for you and ask you "do you like them ?"
  2. Maybe Alberto will show some movie from RLC on the x-box ? And by the way, Martina facetime topless and I mean 'her top' was on the cam with her big smile, someone, somewhere must be very happy to have that facetime .....
  3. I will arrive later for me so keep telling what is happening. But new guests: boys and girls , alcohol, cameras for us ..... But for me, those guest look intelligent compare to the other in RLC in the past. Good looking guys....I will do both if they can hold it for long hours (young and full of energy )...porto night just in a few hours for me... Will Martina test some outfits...ok, ok... I'am just dreaming here... I hope they won't continue the party outside.... And a lot of activity for the fish too ! PS. do they know about the cam ?
  4. I love reading you Yelt. "It will take a great deal more reading, meditation, practice and guidance" your right and that why , when I 'arrived' in this forum a couple of month ago, my first impression was she needed an adventure with at least 3-4 persons, male/female mix just for her. Base of the long hours with Nelly and the long hours of the adventure the weekend night, she show that she can have sex for long hours. I'm pretty sure that just one guy, even if he really good in bed, can not last the time she want to enjoy it. She is so open in her mind, her body language is "come on, try to fuck me to the limit if you can !" And you all know that woman can have multiple Wow....non stop if everything is done the right way....🤭 OL: woman make a 'lot' of money just to show like they do in RLC , much more...
  5. or feed the fish ! LOL or put water in the bottle LOL ! you guys have fun, I'm happy !
  6. and it bothers her a lot and I'm tired of seeing her constantly scratching. It's been there since her sexy outfit night...
  7. HI Harley, In the past few days, I write that I'm gona say what is the best probability about what had happen during that 'sexy outfit night' but I been very busy at work and still, I do not have a lot of time right now to give to RLC. But... I tell you that you are on the right track here and I will post more argument that support your comment. what they did during this night is not bad at all (we are in 2022) but I can understand that for some here it is not possible that Martina and Alberto have done 'some thing' other them watch tv in a hotel room, have a drink , had a fuck (10 minute )and go to sleep and return home Maybe people forget that we are talking about 'Martina and Alberto players' at RLC and we know that they have showed a lot of 'adventure' in the past....Martina is the lead here, no doubt and we know what she is able to do.... But if some here want to believe that Martina and Alberto did at the hotel, exactly what they do at the apartment, it ok for me. What a waste of money to rent a hotel room for that.
  8. Taco forget to put the main light On. Taco, you have to remember to put the light like ON and follow the action anywhwre is goes, it is writen in your contract from RLC.
  9. HI Boys and Girls, I will add up some more info about that "outfits night" later but I'm happy to see that some exchange of ideals went by: very close or far from what happen. But for the last few hour, there is some bad news for Martina, it affect her and now she is thinking about the outcome of some action she had taken..hum..the famous stone face. I will come back on this too. One thing for sure, Martina keep us entertaining and we have a good group here. Do you need intervention of : Michael (just to make fun by taping his name here), the Tall guy, the Fat guy, the 'guy' (the one unknow), The Large guy (we need a new one for the next few days) or Nelly (Nelly, get out of my hand taping) ? Nelly said "HI !" 😎 P.S. Nelly, please return to your Girlsfun from Girlsfun2.
  10. 'their spouse', good possibility but here, it was not concerning Alberto......
  11. LOL, you got me on this one but you were at that kind of tea: traditional English Afternoon Tea So it not that one... 😂
  12. I'm going to come back to the purpose of the famous night of sexy outfit with 95% naked clothes, sex toys and lubricant.... A hint: put yourselves in her place, for what purpose would you do that: a lot of girls do it on the net... And it bring more money then RLC.... Or the best: you do RLC and the 'other thing' .... So what is this other thing ? Don't answer me: going to the church and have a tea..... The new economy in 2022 for girls on the net.... P.S. Let our brain work and have fun LOL !
  13. Martina needs to recover after yesterday's hectic night and it wasn't hectic with Alberto. Why: with all her sex toys, clothes, lotions and her very, very good mood, Martina and Alberto have never needed any of this in 10 years in the apartment. So it was what she always wanted to 'try out' for her sexual fantasies and Alberto was there to provide her with a sense of security because it involved other people (people she doesn't know) for those activities that she was going to go through completely letting herself go. So important that they find a way to have somebody with the dogs at home and we all know that Alberto has no problem letting Martina go (the weekend nights) and stay with the dogs at home, but this time, it was too important to let her go alone. Don't forget, the mentality in Europe for this kind of activities is not the same as in America. But at the end, I'm happy for her because she made it and they return home happy and she was in a very good mood again, like when she return from Nelly night (like I just read in the comment). Her body need some rest now. Alberto didn't need that rest because he didn't 'participated' physically in this 'event', he just an observer, like it happen a lot in those special event. Like I wrote before, I lived in LA in the past, I can tell you those party are 'free will' : sexual activities and specially in LA, a lot of lines of co... Think what you want but: Have fun...the meaning of life....Monty Python...good for sex education😂
  14. Do you find it strange that in other apartment, there also party and all the woman dress in a sexy outfit , may I missing something here ? If there a Spain celebration ? The liberation of woman to be naked and dance 😆 ? I have trouble to imagine Alberto seeing Martina drinking and dancing almost naked in front of others and exchange caress and touch and going with someone (man or woman) in a room with her sex toy and come back after 30 minutes and repeat it again. Go girl , you have, at least, 9 hours to go ! We all know the episode of Martina and Nelly in the bedroom while Alberto was with the X box but his time, he has no X-box with him 😄 Also, we all know, that it is ok for him that Martina 'exchange fluids' with others but I think he, at least, doesn't wan to 'see' it ? Maybe Martina come back to him, every 35 minutes, to tell him it ok, still love him and life will be back to the usual the next day and...she still have energy to have a few 30 minutes again in the room and the sex toy again ? Don't tell me that Alberto is simply talking to Bogdan about the new game on the X-box ? Well, everything is possible here.... Nelly, bring me another glass of porto, I kiss you my love 😍
  15. so it mean that the party is near but how can you be in a sex party, put your sexy dress (practically naked, we saw the outfit of Martina when she was trying the stuff) get dress again , return to the apartment and return to the party, get naked again and cary on where you left the action....strange
  16. Great idea ! With this, RLC would jump into major lead of reality life.. But where to put the body cam on Martina, she mostly naked all the time somewhere and the action can happen anywhere on her body...It's a very difficult question, I have to admit ! People, don't answer me : near her ass because I don't want to see the face of Alberto occupy everything on the cam all the time !😂
  17. Oh ! Nelly get out of me and stop using my hand to type "the behind the scene! here, let them guest.... Nelly love you guys !🤪
  18. out again without the dogs, dogs stay at home with her friend. On the way out, Martina execute a little dance very sexy and moving her body like "we,re gona f.....tonight, Yeah ! ' to her friend. Martina have it all in her backpack: lingerie and sex toy and she didn't forget her pills...ouf ! But, there a but: Alberto is not the main actor here.....Nelly arrange some things with others... Martina will learn and achieve that she can have really more that RLC offers with all her asset.....take it Martina, you are still young and full of energy !
  19. OH my god....chuck, base on the fact of what happen in the apartment for the lasts 10 years, IMPOSSIBLE
  20. No, in the case of Martina, just one man is not enough, she need more than one man and a woman even if she was with 'superman' of sex..I'm not talk about Alberto here 😄
  21. Yes, in the case of Martina, Alberto provide the stability and much more : to let her express her free will on the sexual side, I think a lot of woman dream about to be in her shoe...I'm a woman but now, at my 'time' , stability is more important but I always 'looking' around in a way....like a lot of woman, I think.
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