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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. The other night around 00:00 her and Alberto was talking a lot. She was sitting on top of the couch and she was laughing a lot. She was caressing herself a lot and her breasts and clitoris were all 'up', all in front of Alberto who just keep talking. Laughing like that and caressing like that and be also agitated... that usually comes from consuming something that removes any psychological barrier to sexual drive... There's nothing wrong with that as long as it happens in a safe environment. But it was amazing to see and the best: her and Alberto were happy. Smile! Like the rock and roll song: 1 for the money , 2 for the show, 3 let get ready ...
  2. It's still the beginning of weekend nights: what will be the adventures? Time to guest....we know that sky is the limit Martina, in the last few days has not had, as usual, an answer to her need to satisfy her libido. She need it to relax and feel good and keep the motivation to study. All human need so time off to enjoy life and for Martina, a goof source is to have 'a satisfied' lidido. But like not like Masha, her this is a real problem on her side but that another story. I hope, on our side, that we can enjoy some good action which can mean a lot of guesswork for us. And let's not forget, it's this kind of situation that feeds the interest here. So Martina and Alberto and Taco and all the others : GO FOR IT ! p.s. My porto time will also begin in a few hours for me, so I need my friday and weekend night entertaining. My boyfriend will do double time shift work this weekend, I don't like it but he has to do it (he work at the hospital)
  3. good is a big word in that case, not sure. He didn't do it in a 'love way'.
  4. no really, more like a psychotherapist doing a treatment and checking to see if it affects the problem you have. It was certainly not in a context that your partner wants to give you good caresses to make love after... Now I understand better what is the feeling of Alberto for Martina.
  5. you perfectly right, no sex but the all was there to create a perfect pure eroticism atmosphere, you look at it and you feel very good and have a big smile on your face, fascinating for man and woman at the same time, it rare in a movie. Good memories ! Love you !
  6. But during the 'famous massage' (I suggest that name for future reference because we gona talk a lot about that scene) they talk a lot but it was really serious The face of Martina was 'full' of questions and serious and Alberto was talking about explaining or to justify something. The atmosphere was not to go further in the pursuit of the massage...like in any good movie (like you write @DWI)...we know what happens after So a lot of questions...
  7. Wow the Massage !!!!!! Does it mean that our 'recommendation' that Alberto learn to do something special for Martina has been heard ? It a new beginning but there a lot of talk not so soft....
  8. About the girlfriend "sudden 180 degrees turn with implants.." I remerder listening to a conversation she had on the phone in english and she was taking about " having more girls coming form other country, have visa for them, place to stay, how to pay them, sending pictures....",I was interested in knowing what she did for a living and possibly a connection with RLC ?
  9. yes I think so. For woman side, seeing something like that, I feel sad for her. It just like some other girls, like Radi, I get the impression she sad inside her, she don't know what she will do in the future.
  10. the other night, in the bedroom, Smith want to fuck but not Kitty. Kitty try to give him a 'hand' but she was ' tired' and decide to stop and turn around and go to sleep. Smith was still having his erection and try again 'to get' Kitty. She said something to him in a way you can imagine 🤭and he turn around and go to sleep..job unfinish...funny
  11. your right. When he was having sex, it was not 'love' sex that I notice. And that why I stop looking into it. It seem the same situation has return. But the new girl have a good smile and seem in a good spirit and have a good personality.
  12. Does Masha has some problem, it seem that she can get enough in a way like somebody on drug. I know to say too much is strange but that the case. For the last few days, Masha apartment is not my style. I have no more interest. Like you, hope that she will return to 'normal' mode.
  13. he was preparing to make love to her but suddenly he stopped, 'came' too fast and she was comforting him... camera stress for him 🙄
  14. What ! How come we are the last to know ! I wanna see Nelly with her special smile and her tenderness hand....with that, I'm loosing my rational side and in those situation 1+1 = 3.14159265359, no doubt ! 🍸 Keep us inform !
  15. Oh ! my God, some on the reason here are very funny, I can believe it. In short, the selfies were sent to others from whom Martina has no sexual interest WOW ! Does a lot of people do that ? Deep don't send me picture, I'm not your sister, LOL. To stay in the same logic, Martina sent the photos to herself to make sure that she has the body of a woman or to become a participant in a site that manages cameras in the lives of people in real life, I don't remember the name of the website.... For those who stay in that logic : let start a basic logic course (you need it to work ) : 1 +1 = ? and choice of answers : 0, -1, 1, 2 or A or "can you repeat the question ?" My work, like for many peoples, involve a lot of deductions to understand how thing work, and sometimes being completely irrational, it makes me feel good. That why I like this discussion. No need for drug here or a glass of Porto (you know like porto) LOL ! Hope it do the same feeling to you, Have fun
  16. With all your possibility, don't forget, Martina has taken pictures of herself naked with a big smile. So when somebody do that (I don't take picture of me naked, if you ask) it is to send to somebody a very special 'message' for the repeat of sexual pleasure on the next meeting with that person. I'm happy for Martina because it mean that she have somebody that she love and is able to truly meet her sexual needs and affection. So she have : dildo, Alberto and the other one out there... p.s. Another reminder for some of you, taking picture like that is not to test the quality of picture of the iphone she have....
  17. Yes Taco is the master mind behind the scenario of what could, would, will go on in the apartment. When you look at the different sex scenes, you notice that Taco is always there, Hey! isn't that strange ? I sincerely think that there is something that requires answer here, the more it goes, it more and more intriguing....the more we see Taco, the more Martina go naked...Hey! isn't that strange ? When a girls visit, Taco is all there, that not a simple coincidence....and after, what happen ? The visiting girls goes naked in front on the cam. Hey! isn't that strange ? It's only you and me who put forward this new theory that no one thought of, Wow we are very good !👍 And Blacky must be the mafia dog, he his in charge of the Barcelona girls of RLC, kind of a pimp but at dog level and in his position, all the girls love him, what a power he have ! I know it a big news but we have to face the fact. LOL Have fun
  18. oh my god, that one is the best, you make me LOL for a long period ! Imagine with her big smile, Oh my god, still LOL ! And Alberto smiling also and pointing toward the belly "it me !" I love you !
  19. Love you Alberto but we want tell everybody, our lips are seal but love you Alberto From Martina XXX p.s. we both discover what behind you and me....
  20. Alberto went you reading this forum, don't hesitated to tell Martina that we love you both and everything here is part of the job with RLC and like every job, there good and some bad part. For all of us (almost) we love you !!!!!😺 and taco, blacky and the fish also !
  21. Face the fact, today in this world, it very difficult to face the fact about anything in this world for some peoples. For me, when I see those people, it's a lost cause so I don't care about them unless if they get aggressive toward me, then I react to what it take to let them learn the hard way. For Deepdave, if it make you happy (there some happy time in life, hope you don't forget), yes I make love with my boyfriend when he return from work about moon and it was really good for both of us and we both fell asleep and have sweet dream,. I'm was so well being in his arm...he said: "I love you so much" and I respond how I felt and I notice his was already sleeping.....💖
  22. I'm a woman and I know if I take picture of myself with a very inviting smile and my upper body in a seductive position, my breasts projecting slightly forward....there is no doubt about my intentions, believe me. If you ever receive a picture like this, don't think it's someone inviting you to go the grocery. 🙂 I hope it Nelly, it will help her.
  23. yes but, put yourself in her shoe, why would you take picture like that ?
  24. Martina / picture herself naked / to whom ? I notice that Martina take picture of herself when naked in the bathroom with a big smile....hum....who will be the one (or the many) who will receive those pictures ? Usually this days, taking picture like that is to send to..... She could also send the url of RLC instead or a video that Alberto could make, it so easy. She is so very happy again...something is going on the love side between her and another person...I tell you
  25. I think he is Alberto some time, that why I put remark and see what happen...
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