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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. yes she went out without panties...for a quickie with man or caress with a woman, it good condition when you want to go fast for sexual pleasure, you got nothing to 'block' and show 'availability', action right now ! in this case, without panties and short dress, door are open to anyone to meet. But me, I don't have what it take to do like Martina do. Martina should know that Alberto doesn't represent the reaction like other man when she goes naked in the apartment, Alberto is one of a kind.... If I was doing the same in my apartment, my boyfriend will fuck me non stop. For your question: yes I think that on woman side, like me, it more prevalent and we have a special 'connection' that we 'know' how to gently caress mentally and physically. Nelly and Martina were a very, very good example. But we do need the real man to feel that 'real' stuff time to time. But for BI man, I don't know how is it work, some toll me that it not the same exchange of feeling. And I did encounter some gay man, that were not so gay.....sometime boyfriend think "there no problem for my girlfriend to have gay man as a good friend even if they often pass long time together to shop etc" ...hum happy he was thinking that way, I tell you.... Have sweat dream DWI !
  2. And she went out with her friend and she didn't put back her thong.....ready to exchange fluids on the dance floor somewhere....
  3. If both have it, there no problem to exchange fluids again ....YES !!!!
  4. HI everybody, Can we stop talking about the covid stuff, it a waste of time for everybody (I'm sorry to say that we cannot change what people think today in his world) What is the most important thing here in the forum: what happen with Martina and Alberto on RLC..like usual. My question: did Martina contact all the people that she has exchange of fluids ?...hum....Micheal (I like to write that name, you know me 🥰), the tall guy, Nelly (kiss you my Nelly!) , Boghan, Gina, ...and all the other ? Have a nice day to all !
  5. what a quickie, I didn't have time to take a sip of coffee ! Knowing Martina, it was just a 'change of oil' for Alberto for the road ? It must be very frustrating for her...imagine with Nelly, they would have take the road only in 2 days....
  6. Yes , just like in a movie, repetition again with the same scene: BJ, play with the ass, play with your dick, play in the ass, BJ, fuck, same position The producer : "Alberto, keep more into it please !" "Marina, keep moaming harder" "Alberto, yes you can do more, come on go Alberto " "ok everybody, let the action go ! "
  7. From the news today: : Nighttime curfew in most of the region of Catalonia (northeast) in order to curb the explosion of COVID-19 cases So no more nighttime party for the next few days...... Play safe, have sex with only your partner..... So it mean that Alberto is the only one for sex in the next few days, week ? Alberto, a lot of job for you, lucky you !
  8. your right and your not alone for that apprehension but like @ddhm write : 'if they play it safe and don't attract attention, it better' but we never know, especially if they are drunk, easy target. we do not know if the area where they walk in Barcelona is safe or not. I know in Europe, there always people around any time of the day and so many small streets everywhere. Let just hope they are safe and that they don't end up infected with covid and if so, they don't have the strong symptoms. I don't want anyone start the discussion on covid here ok !
  9. well...not to much action , Blacky doing is 'thing' (dreaming), the fish are going to the left, to the right, up and down, the TV is working well, the Christmas tree spreads its good smell....everything is feeling relax..... Do I forget something...euh...euh...yes where is Martina and Alberto at 2:00 am ?
  10. Right now: not drunk For a human being it is recommended to laugh quite often and one way to achieve this is to push the absurdity of a situation and on the other hand, fantasy allows the human being to escape reality for a moment for pure joy. And with the current context in the world, there is a great need to do both. But you are free to stay in full reality 100%, like right now for me. Have a good day, love you too and have fun ! p.s. If you can add some jokes about RLC, do not hesitate to do write it for us ! We all need to have fun between us !
  11. A very good ideal !!!!! but if you want to know exactly what I will want to do (for Christmas) : me, Martina and Nelly, that would be the greatest show on Earth ! What a a whole FANTASY !!!!! The feeling touch of tenderness of Nelly and multiple orgasms of Martina, it would be like hell in paradise !!! the bedroom will be on fire !!! Get some water please !!! And imagine for you : 3 amazing lady with non stop of sexual pleasure for 8 hours.....at least !!! Put the light, place the camera : ACTION ACTION !!!! Alberto put the X box on and put your headset and we are in business ! and don't forget to talk to the fish ! Oh my God, another glass of porto for me !
  12. Not to much action here, I think that Masha is "draining" all activities......and also every man she bring to her apartment . Come-on Martina and Alberto ! the competition is fierce, Masha and the girls at the villa are getting plenty of exercises for the Christmas holidays, like everything in life: practice, practice and practice again Applying the karma sutra exercice is still a good strategy ! We all we all agree here ! Time for my porto....and for that song: ONE for the money, TWO for the show, THREE to get ready now go !!!!
  13. Wow ! a lot of activity here...I like that ! But to resume: Masha is doing it because she need it, she like it and she is not force or something like that and that good...for us too in life, we have to calibrate between our sexual being that have need and to do something that which provides meaning to life for us But here, Masha has go in the extreme on one side, sometime it take that to adjust.... At the end, this is normal, we are human and we have the choice to go to extremes and but always with the objective of not bullying others, let's hope ! And now Masha, you are young but you need to relax and start again if you want !!! Go for it !
  14. Thank @ashleyxyz Even if I'm bi, like Martina, it my feminine touch that allows me to do well in detail. And I can add that I will ask Alberto that he make sure that he doesn't block the cam because it can break the tv again and also the RLCam: "Alberto make sure that we always see Martina in full shape for every position, the tv and the RLCam are program to work that way, you understand Alberto ? I love you too Alberto ! Kiss you ! " Alberto is asking me if he could see Masha : " No Alberto, Masha need it every 15 minutes, so you still need to practice again and again and again with Martina before, try to do it every 30 minutes, Martina will be more then happy." If you are able to do it, the tv or the RLCam will not broke again and maybe after a few month of practice, you can meet Masha without Martina because to do both at the same time, you will be dead in 5 minutes ! Everybody here in the forum are behind you Alberto, GO FOR IT, YOU CAN DO IT !!!!"
  15. surprisingly maybe I will broke the new tv and ask Alberto to wait in the bedroom with Martina for the time I will repair the tv again and I know it gona take a long time. I will make some test with the cam from RLC and replay video between Martina and Nelly, Nelly and Bogdan, Martina and Alberto ask them if the image is ok and ask again and again just to make sure that the tv is ok. Them I will ask Alberto and Martina to do some action in the bedroom and make sur on my side that the tv on RLC is showing everything ok from the bedroom. And to make sure, I will do a lot of replay from other apartments; certainly from Masha . I'm very a conscientious person And before I leave, I will kiss Taco and Blacky and will turn and do a smile smile for you at the cam with my thumb up !
  16. Maybe she making money....I can understand that she like to fuck many time but usually we do it with the same person in a new relation for the first few week but her she going with different guy each time and when a girl do that often....we know the word for that and add the word money to it, you got a good idea .... It always amaze me that so much good looking girls end up doing that, there so much a life a head. Me I was 'playing' a lot in my past (like Martina but a little bite less..) but I change my path to stay beautiful (it my boyfriend who ask me to write it here), study and have good job. But I must admit, it good for RLC, and I do not forget that too !
  17. I'm late, is it still available on the replay ? Those 2 videos in the bedroom ?
  18. Alberto is alone....? Martina is out for : exchange fluids with other good looking man or woman somewhere ? Do they fuck a few hours ago ? if so, she follow the process like usual: take car of Alberto and leave for pleasure herself more...
  19. your right ! By the way, I really like your avatar...remind me of a very special relationship....
  20. Just fun fun, I like to watch the tv program : House Hunters International The episode that I just saw was in Barcelona...funny I didn't look at it the same way I look the other episodes, I don't know why
  21. For Christmas: with her family in Valencia ? Alberto and the dogs are going too. For new year: at home ? Is that it ? But for the dates, we don't know exactly ?
  22. 01:50 She is sleeping ????? Friday night ??? what is happening ??? I'm all mix up !!!
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