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Everything posted by girlsfun2

  1. Even her mother has only a bra on her ? Wow ! Martina and your mother, at least, just wear a shirt and you too Alfredo !
  2. Oh ! I just saw the 'double' Taco !!!, That mean, it her mother ? Wow ! Now the old guy is her father ? Now the big question: are they ok with the cam ?
  3. Yes really strange.... For the Luis part: It is very safe for a woman to have a gay friend, there is a strange connection that is made. Even if it can go as far as sexual experiences (many gay men are bi), it doesn't have the same 'implication' as being with a straight man. It's like anything is allowed because he's gay anyway .... Sometimes the gay guy is more BI and that can lead to a strange relationship. I've been in this kind of 'relationship' with a gay (bi) friend in the past (I'm bi myself like Martina), and when I told my ex I was going shopping with my friend, he didn't see anything wrong with it... "he's gay"...I never told him what was going on while shopping... For Martina's return and reaction: Yes everyone was leaving together but maybe Martina had, during the evening, a particular meeting planned and the group separated. And this particular meeting didn't go as planned and when she came back home and didn't see her Alfredo, she felt 'alone' for one of the rare times. And that surely destabilized her, she realized that she doesn't control her Alfredo as much as usual, hence the special discussion between the two....And she, as usual, tried to apologize by making love to him, Martina knows how to play her game....
  4. She look so serious on the couch...her face doens't look good, this is not our usual smiling Martina...stange.... Did something make her depressed today ? It is not the first time this behavior, she seems to have periods of depression, the other day, she watched a talk show and started to cry and to laugh in the space of a few minutes, over and over... P.S. Maybe she was trying to forget something that didn't end as planned?
  5. Oh ! Yes, I can tell you, a little attention like this, still work
  6. Yes, everything is happening and will happen as planned. We form a great team for the prevision of events, Yes Sir! As for my remark concerning the use of amphetamines, it was in relation to memories when I was working on TV soap in LA. The shooting schedule starts very early and ends very late and it's very hard for some actors/actresses. Sometimes actors/actresses would arrive without having slept the night before for several days (party...). They would 'retire' for a few minutes to take various amphetamines and other things... and come back 'fresh and ready'. I remember one actor who would arrive completely drunk every time but as soon as he heard the word 'Action', he was able to 'perform' for the scene. But in between these, he literally slept on his chair and no one was allowed to approach him, he had a bodyguard with him at all times. His text was written all over cue cards. But it was fascinating to see the ability he had to be a completely good actor despite all that. Have a good day Martina and Alfredo with yours firends !
  7. 8:00 Wake up everydoby, time to start a beautiful day ! In Barcelona today : 25 C with sun and a light breeze ! A good breakfast, a little exercise, a little walk with Taco and an oil change check for Alfredo, what better way to start the day! "Girls and Boys Come Out to Play" P.S. The actors look tired...need a bit of amphetamines ?
  8. Martina and her friends: the whole thing reminds me of "Genie in a bottle", funny
  9. So don't forget, bring an apple for your female teacher tomorrow, my sweet little boy !
  10. Usual saturday, 17:00 everybody sleep deep...sweet dream...
  11. It depends...whether you approve your own comments with your other accounts, it's cheap but in your case, you have no choice, you understand that one... P.S Interesting idea: I'm the teacher and a woman too so you really don't appreciate it....A woman who dares to make you question yourself, that's no fun for you....So go to the corner of the classroom for the rest of your day....but I like difficult cases...Listen to the teacher and bring an apple for tomorrow !!! LOL
  12. @ash1: your the best, I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe. it's so good to have comments like these, I love you !
  13. Funny: For the copy/paste: * Although I don't do copy/paste, I have to admit that in the copy/paste, you are the best, congratulations For the meeting with Martina and Nelly: * Note that I was talking about a fantasy and in relation to Nelly, a human being who has problems like everyone else, we should rather seek to help the person, usually a simple little help can make a big difference. But of course, the person must be willing to be helped. For example, in your case, despite several attempts, you still prefer to ignore your problem, it's your choice, but you must resign yourself to the fact that you will always find yourself alone and your only way to make those around you react to you, is to be unhealthy with others. P.S. but why do you defend some people in the forum, how many accounts do you have in the forum? There are a lot of people (multiple copies of you ?) who always write the same things.... If you don't have friends in the forum, it can be convenient to create copies of yourself in the forum to 'be agree with you', why not ? Have fun !
  14. Interesting but .... she is not a whore like YOU say. Many girls do it and they are not whores like you say. In other words, when you go to a 'bar' to drink and seduce (not sure about your success, I have doubts), do you think that all the girls in the bar are whores because the way they look ? I think you're one of those groups of men who think that an attractive woman who likes sex and has a high libido is a whore by definition. We are not in the past! We are in 2022. But I don't want to start the eternal discussion when it comes to a man versus a woman about sex, attraction and libido and the impression when it applies to men and women. I hope that one day you meet an attractive woman (by your standards) who lives her sexuality to the fullest, has confidence and knows what she wants in a partner. Then, you might have a lot of difficulties to assume yourself and to question yourself. We are always learning in life and that's good. As I said before, Martina reminds me, to a certain extent, of what I experienced at her age... And by the way, I am a beautiful confident woman who has realized that it is important to have fun in life and to avoid negative people if they want to stay negative. I love Martina and Nelly and a fantasy; I would have so much fun to exchange with them and her friends, we would share our experiences around a good wine or anything else.... P.S. As for my writing, I suffer from a known language problem but this does not prevent me from being understood very well and I always try to improve myself. Big kiss to you if you accept. .
  15. 22:00 something....everybody in bed for a good sleep....Wow ! But with Martina we never know when sleep is coming...
  16. According to the evidence, Martina works in these famous 'bars' (whatever you call them) and does indeed do this kind of work: barmaid, dance, hostess, fuck. The evidence when she goes out at night: * when she makes herself all beautiful and attractive: hair, makeup, dress, 'special' necklace * when she brings various sexual items and clothes that she 'tests' by dancing in a seductive way in the bedroom and ask Alberto what is think * frequently leaves or returns without panties on * she really has no problem seeing herself naked by anyone else, she is used to it * Alberto accepts it because he considers it as a real job for Martina like many other girls in these places, he even advises her about it * Martina seems to make and have a lot of money despite the fact that she has no particular education and she has even lent Alberto a lot of money in the past So when Martina gets all dressed up for her night out, it's for a job where she works with the public (she doesn't just show up for an ordinary party with friends) and she knows that she has a lot of very nice assets that she can exploit to make money. Let's not forget that Martina, in addition, has a very strong libido and for her, it's a very satisfying job from every point of view: feeling attracted, having sexual gratification and making money in a 'safe' environment. Put yourself in Martina's shoes, for my part, I have no problem with what she does. She earns her living like everyone else... P.S. On the funny side: was Alberto a client of these places at the time when they 'meet' more then 10 years ago ?
  17. I never really understood the use of the bath in the bathroom in front of the kitchen, it is used to fill water bottles because the kitchen sink is always full? But on the other hand, it is convenient to have a camera in this bathroom, we can know everything that surrounds the process of filling water bottles. Anyway, we pay for that cam too...
  18. Imagine a conversation at the bar: a man is talking to Martina: "Hey, do I feel like I've seen you somewhere before? " Martina with a big smile "Yes, maybe at the beach?" "No, I think more in a parking lot, you were partying with a friend who had a Russian accent and also a beautiful smile". Martina with astonishment "Yes you are the guy you brought me to his apartment to treat my lower back injury that happened to me that night, right?" "Yes, that's right, you enjoyed the tantric massage that I gave you for several hours". Martina, happy to remember it," Oh yes! Here my Tinder Id, can I call you and make an appointment during the nights? "Yes and I will bring my girlfriend who is also very good in nuru massage for woman specifically". Martina: "Oh yes, I've been wanting to try several massages at the same time for a long time, I will be happy to tell my roommate that I finally found help for my need." Next episode: next week... sweet dream P.S. Warning: This show contains eroticism and nudity for an adult audience, viewer discretion is advised
  19. In the context of my work, I have access to specialized resources that do translation and sound processing to extract a conversation altered by ambient noise. Of course, I don't see myself arriving with a recording of Martina and Alfredo and mentioning that it is for the purposes of a particular investigation. However, I have been told that some apps can give quite interesting results. I'll try them if I have time, I'll keep you posted.
  20. It's allways good to mention information that Martina's nights out and returns in an 'altered' state are always present and because it's always an important source of speculation as we all try to find out what our beautiful Martina does with her assets during those night... For Martina and Alfredo, it the price to pay to be on RLC and cash out $$$. We pay for the show and what goes with it: on and out of RLC.
  21. back...drunk and something...trouble to walk..to bed... Life is tuff...zzzzzzzzz
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