They are slowly being swallowed up by junk! As their relationship falls apart the level of tidiness drops. Once something is put down it is never picked up!
I think each of the clothes are trying to take up position to be first into the case!!! :)
Life without Nora is going to be tough --- for ME - not Kiko!!!
I am really worried about the state of Alma. She looks frightened and sooo unhappy. Stefan seems to have bullied any life out of a girl who, although child like, always seemed to be a happy, smiley girl.
Someone needs to save Alma from Stefan!!!
I find it amazing that they eat so late and go to bed almost immediately after eating a big meal! Staying up so late and then getting up very early must be very tiring over time.
Leora is a star. Cleans, cooks and bakes and then fucks like crazy whilst always looking immaculate even late into the night. Why is she with Paul???? One of life's eternal questions is how women choose their life partner. Usually they search for someone to protect them, nurture them and support them. Good looking women usually manage to find successful men (or is that successful men always manage to attract better looking women than their own looks would suggest possible!!! The best looking thing on a man is his wallet!!). How come Leora is with Paul??? It defies logic!!!!
I only saw a little but tears and shouting. Changes of clothes. Hugs before leaving seemed to calm things but suddenly Leora stormed out in tears. It will be interesting upon her return. Either lots of making up or lots more shouting!!
Paul doesn't seem to like Leora going out! She seemed to change her dress because he criticised how short it was. She looked lovely! Still she also looked lovely in the black dress!!!!
Wow! Frost in Barcelona in July!!!! I can't believe he rejects her. He will weaken as time passes!!! If not then we are watching the end of the relationship.
Leora is having problems too. What is going on between them?
Have you noticed how the home of Nora and Kiko is getting more and more untidy? It seems as their relationship gets worse the willingness of either of them to clean and tidy up is diminishing!!
Whilst I enjoy seeing Nora's bra I prefer to see it holding up those pretty breasts rather than watching it lay on the sofa for at least a week!!!! LOL!!!
I think your comments about the way RLC people have been brought up is an interesting point. Communist states did everything they could to eliminate prosperity and fun along with a good work ethic. The state will sort it has been the attitude for too long!
Soulless buildings lead to soulless people leads to soulless lives!!! It would be good to see each apartment having much more fun (not just sexually!). Laughter is sadly missing from most houses. Such a shame.
Fair point about the friends. I would just like to see and hear Nora laughing and doing silly things while smashed out of her head. Party for fuck sake!!!!
Stefan is totally disgusting. I think we are observing consensual rape. If there was ever love involved it has long disappeared. For sure Alma likes to have sex but Stefan now uses and abuses her.
Smiles and laughter have long since disappeared.
Totally agree NL. I have questioned many times why they don't get drunk or smoke a few spliffs. They work in the entertainment business. Surely they know how to party!
Conversation is almost none existent.
The few friends that used to call round have disappeared. They seem very old before their time. In 20 years time they will regret having wasted sooo much time sitting on their arses watching piss poor TV and movies.
We need to save Nora. Contrast her work with Vlir and the life she leads in the apartment. Very sad!
I think someone speculated that he had hit her but then it seemed he didn't! These two are like children thrust into an adult world. They seem to know how to fuck but have very little clue about anything else.
Having got a computer game they moved the sofa forward and from that day to now neither of them have ever left the apartment or the sofa!!! Other than eat and have sex they never ever leave their computer screens.
Alma does at least clean and cook. She does like to eat!!!
I suspect their IQ levels are currently at the level a 10 year would reach!!
I agree. Stefan simply treated her with contempt. Looking from the hall he made her be on her knees giving him a blow job for at least half an hour. Not even porn stars last that long. The dickhead just abused her. She looked very unhappy.
He is a halfwit and a bully. Alma is a woman child. She is easily abused.
NL no!!! You can't hate cats. Let them into your life and your view of the world will change. Karma descends, heart rate drops, calm prevails.
When your better half is driving you crazy your cat will help you transcend everything!!
Pussy - both kinds - improve a mans life!!