Nora really is a sexy fucking princess. She just oozes sex appeal. She tried to show Kiko some affection when she arrived home but he once again rejected her. The man can sulk like no other. He is definitely going to lose her.
Don't move away from Nora. She is still the sexiest RLC. She is moody, complex, demanding but my god she is sexy. Her lovemaking is outstanding. She is not passive. She takes what she wants but gives out so much in return.
We know nothing of Leora yet!! Well other than she is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
How dare anyone demand to see pics and complain people are taking too long to post one!!!!
The guys who post pics and vids do a brilliant job and should never be pressured to post anything.
A please and a thank you would be well received too.
Fabulous vids NL. She may not wash as often as she should but when she takes a shower like that she comes out the sweetest, smoothest, hairless creature there could be!!!!
Sunbathing has done her no favours. Peeling skin on her chest and breasts means she has to pay particular attention to removing dead skin. I'm sure I could offer my services in that arena. I would ensure not one speck of loose skin was ever left upon her!!! 20 minutes of gentle rubbing with after sun lotion would soon eliminate the problem!!!
There is definitely something wrong in Kiko's paradise. How can he avoid touching or holding Nora. For sure they will make up but I don't see a successful long term relationship ahead. Nora I await your call!!!! :)
Has anyone ever seen any of the apartments watch or listen to News updates? How do they ever know what is going on in the world!!!
If and when Nelson Mandela dies none of the people in the apartments will ever know!!!
Who is Nelson Mandela I hear Alma and Stefan ask. Is he a character from any of my computer games!!!!!
Does anyone know what Nora and Kiko eat? It looks like slop only presented in the worst type of prison!!! Both of them need a good meal that involves biting into something. Their teeth never get used!!!
Thanks. Strangely this file downloaded rapidly. I have been trying to download bigger file (only 150meg) from the Alma thread and these are taking hours. I have opened a new Mediafire account to check if things would move faster but apparently not!!!
Unfortunately I am not very good at understanding the technical things with laptops! I do not suffer from technophobia. I am just bewildered at times!!!!
I really want to get into recording the streaming from RLC so I can play my part in contributing to members enjoyment but I seem to fail in my attempts to obtain the RMPT Dump (is that what it's called!!) Doh!!!
Thanks for the vids.
Can you help explain why mediafire is running so slowly on downloads at the moment? Files that were taking only minutes to download are now taking hours! I wonder if, without knowing, I have changed something? Nothing appears to have changed in my computer. Can Mediafire speed up or slow down download speeds?
Every damn thin she does is soooo fucking sexy. Trying on some hideous skirt that looks like a pair of curtains yet making it sexy! She is quite simply a sex god!!!
I think Kiko is suffering self esteem issues. If he is having to work in a job that doesn't reward his creative skills he will get depressed especially if Nora is succeeding in her various modelling, modelling management roles.
What do you think Kiko does for a living and what does Nora do that takes her out of the apartment until after 11pm? Maybe Bar work?
Alma is a woman who simply uses sex as recreation. No agenda to control her man. Just a sweet girl who only wants to please. A little over the top with the moans though - one lick and she hits the roof, two lick and she hits the moon!!!
Great work on capturing the action. Longing to see the video.