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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. You caught me just before I was leaving, the answer is no nobody has ever gone b on that terrace yet.
  2. Then Belle should have a room of her own. Bring Amina and Nica in that room and move Belle in Nica's room.
  3. Will Rosie take Avi's bed and a new ( or old) tenant will take Rosie's room ??................................To be continued same bat-channel same bat-house............
  4. I already have both in the shower, but Kayle almost always bate naked after a shower, see for yourself now.
  5. J'adore Kaley , elle est si naturelle. Merci pour le renseignement, Puis-je regarder ??
  6. J'ai googlé Turenne il y a longtemps et je sais qu'il y a in Village de ce nom. Mon ancêtre Turenne Maréchal de Louis X!V était son bras doit, je ne sais pas qui était son bras gauche
  7. Moi aussi je parle Français , je suis du Québec, si jamais tu as besoin de renseignements et que je puisse t'aider, tu peux me parler.
  8. now 3 girls in Rosie's bed, WILL THEY DO IT ???..........................Probably not
  9. The girls in B4 spent all their energy last nite and when they returned there's Nothing left for us but look at beds.
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