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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Avi must feel abandonned right now, let's go cheer her up guys, who's with me ??
  2. Rosie received a phone call she answered in En glish "yes she's here" maybe her and belle got a "Date" for tonight ?? Or tomorrow ??
  3. 7:42 Both Avi and Amina in bed, goodnight girls or should I say Goood morning and sleep well , you might do it again tonight.................
  4. She coulld have picked Something decent. My opinion , I won't talk about it anymore. But I will never respect a girl dressed like that. Thank you
  5. I was glad too to see her back, but the way she dressed to go out made me change mt mind, That kind of dress that make her tits come out every 5 seconds is not apprpriate to go to a club unless she wants to tease ot get laid. I'll PM you some pictures Harley.
  6. Yes all she has left is her laptop, when is the next plane for Barcelona ?? I would keep her company...
  7. Alors j'ai rêvé J'avais cru voir une mèche blonde à la gauche de Nica.........Merci de me corriger.
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