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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. J'ai eu 70 le 3 dec, dernier grand-père de 3 mais la libido est toujours active, J'avais un oncle qui s'est marié obligé à 71 ans il est devenu papa. Comme P-E-Trudeau et Charles Chaplin
  2. Dom seems to know all the songs even in English, she's fun, I like her.....................Even if she could be my grandaughter,
  3. I think we lost them untill tomorow morning. BTW if they are so cold they should sleep in two groups one with 4 girls the other with 3 and me.
  4. I blame RLC for delivring so many heaters, the girls didn't know that you can't use them on the same breaker.
  5. Untill the girls learn the science of physics and that you can't overload an electricity circuit.
  6. Did you see the movie Mannequin ?? She's made of plaster, ..............Now don't get mad !!
  7. I HAVE A SMALL 1500 watts heater and if I use the microwave and my toaster the breaker shuts everything off,
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