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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. My father said: "Marriage is legalized prostitution after a year or two. If you want sex, you have to buy her something,"
  2. Maybe B2 and B4 met somewhere to go shopping or Something and they'll all come back at B4 for a little party. Hoping B4 is back on line if I'm right, Just a speculation BTW.
  3. And RLC call themselves professionnals ??? How many UM since this apt. opened ?? We should get $2 back for every UM !!
  4. Masha's guest shook the cat very hard while on the bed alone, I guess she doesn't like the kitty, it seemed she wanted to hurt it.
  5. Lela is back but her hair hasn't changed so we can speculate what she did with the brush but where is her hiding place ??
  6. Diana just left her room to go to the kitchen and she came up from the stairs. So level 3 is really level 1
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