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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. Surtout qu'Irma tente par tous les moyens pour séduire ses co-locs avec ses massages érotiques et ses baisers pleins de caresses lesbiennes. Elle veut devenir la BOSS de l'apt et en montrant ses nichons à la journée longue elle veut que nous ne regardions qu'elle et seulement ELLE.
  2. Still I don't trust her , she knows Ilona will be gone soon so maybe she wants to score with Layla. Nobody knows what goes on in her mind.
  3. What is she trying to prove ? She already seduced Anna and Ilona, now Layla ? That cat pose on the bed knowing that Layla can see her breasts is she trying to seduce her too ?
  4. Irma is trying to seduce everybody ,first Ilona then the massage and kissing naked with Anna and now look at her pose on the bed with Layla. My opinion.
  5. Give her a chance she has not been there 24 hours yet. She might be Wilder than you think.
  6. It's already passed midnight over there let's hope the cams come back on before they go to sleep.
  7. 13 posts already and we haven't seen her face yet !!
  8. Note that this apt. is now listed after the lesbians couple. Let's hope we keep the free cams.
  9. What I fear is that the free cams will not be free anymore. Like the lesbian couple .
  10. Both of them are dressed ? Is it not too early to go out ? Thanks Canito.
  11. I'm affraid you're rignt, I Wonder how she was brought up, like you said a closed door means Knock before entering. And she keeps admiring her body all the time. And the way she looks at Irma's boobs seems like it's the first time she's seen another woman's breasts.
  12. Could she still be a Virgin ? At least with a woman ?
  13. As long as they are O K together and did not fight or argue there is still hope that they will get along and maybe give us more good moments. let's wait and see.
  14. So maybe they went to a private place where there is no camera to finish what they started yesterday. Thank you Canito.
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