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Posts posted by denizenkane

  1. I've gotten my back up about that issue in the past but usually in extreme cases like B1 Sarah for instance just before B2 came along. 

    For the most part though I find that the girls who loaf around the house all day and night are generally the sad mopey type and usually not a whole lot of fun. Danaya on her first stay would be a good example although she's been a little less sickly this time around.

    In the summer months I like the girls to come home with some nice tan ready to make an eventful night you know? Not some shlub who spent all day in her room that rolls her eyes before dragging her ass out to the living room for a glass of wine.

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    Des and I are cool, we agree on most things so if he doesn't like Nicole it's fine, I just personally don't understand it. But then I could understand that people couldn't understand me when I was backing Jasmin

    Yeah same here, we're generally on the same page. That why I say he's dug in, I don't really believe him ?


  3. 6 minutes ago, Benfold said:

    Not to reignite the debate, but this is definitely not the case. He is an old friend of Lola, and works for a volunteer organisation

    I made the point earlier as well that of the groups of girls that have passed through these apartments Lola's crew was the least in need of encouragement. If it were true then why not with other far more reserved groups?

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  4. 13 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    The guy was a RLC hire put there to move the girls along.  Not the same thing.  If you think it is, then you are very naive.

    That is debatable, it looked that way at times I'll give you that. However ask yourself this. Of all the groups of girls that have come through these apartments who needed the least encouragement? Lola's crew that's for sure so if that were true, why never again with another far more reserved group? 

  5. 5 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    Glad you get it, but technically most of the orgies happened in the days after he left


    That's not true though, the main night that everyone is clamouring for he spent the night and the next night.

    The bedsheet night where Lola and Caro finished on the balcony was a couple weeks later and yes he was gone by then.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

    Then they should just put a couple in both apartments and be done with it. Because that's what your saying you want.

    I don't think that is what he's saying, he saying a guest brings a fresh moment to the apartment be them male or female. It's fun to see how the girls interact with this new face and the fact that it's fleeting makes it all the more exciting to catch it. Just like the excitement caused whenever somebody has a party with friends over in the couples apartments.

    • Upvote 3
  7. 50 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

    And look at the trouble it's caused. Some of us for the girls. Not the girls having guys in for sex. Yes I watched Nicole last night. Then later I went to pornhub and watched something better. We're here for different reasons.

    But the fun part is the connection of seeing her day in day out before something like last night. That's what sepperates any sexual interaction here be it m/f or f/f from porn on the web.

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  8. 50 minutes ago, ankaboott said:

    We do not want men in Barcelona Apartments
    And I agree with you

    But the epic parties in B2 just aren't going to come around very often if ever again. They can bate but the majority of these girls aren't doing that either. No guys means essentially nothing sexual for the vast majority of time. At least until we see another Irma/Ilona type.

    These girls are straight, if you want real sexual moments it's going to be with men.

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  9. 47 minutes ago, F219 said:

    In reference to the noise during sex last night.  I had 1 screen on Jessica's room and 2 others to Nicole's.  I muted Nicole's room and I heard nothing.  This was when she had her bra back on and I thought you might hear the headboard pounding the wall.  If there was any noise, it wasn't much.

    For sure and neither was the music really. She was also very mindful of the noise that was made repeatedly telling the dude to try to keep things quiet out of respect for Jess. I'd like to see what Nicole really letting loose with that guy is like without  grandma next door. ?

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  10. 1 hour ago, rockinvidde said:

    Don`t you guy`s think all this trouble between the girls has to do with the fact that they are young and a little immature!

    100%, I get such a kick out of watching this group of men try to dissect a disagreement between 2 Young girls without even being able to speak the language ?. A losing battle.

    I bet if they told us straight up what their reasons are we still wouldn't get it lol

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