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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Masha is making Olivia the star of the night. Holly filming her
  2. For sure, and this also seems to be doing good to Holly in this stay of hers
  3. Olivia getting along very well with Alessandro too and feeling quite at ease in the house
  4. Masha, Olivia and Ulyana on the bed. Holly interacting with Alessandro
  5. It's a unique hospitality and chivelry the italians have
  6. They've been facing all these difficulties since way before the covid era. Covid just came to bring even more difficulties. Let's hope they do more investment post-covid
  7. @StnCld316It's a complete shame for a more than a decade old company
  8. I wonder why RLC doesn't invest in their server's capacity when the cams start freezing and jumping/ reloading with the increase of traffic
  9. Olivia holding her glass in the air waiting for a chin-chin, without luck
  10. Masha speaking italian to Olivia. She answers "I-don't-know" 😂
  11. Oh yeah Alessandro, I wasn't just remembering his name. A gentleman
  12. Yup, the rest of the countries are following-up in the upcoming months
  13. Isn't that guy who cooked for Babi and Tanya once? Also, I would've liked to see Tanya there
  14. It is. As the pandemic is slowing down, the EU is lifting its travelling restrictins within it. And let's see how they will act
  15. Even so I woudn't expect O&U to come honestly. I'm impressed
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