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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I'm just curious to see who will replace these two do-nothing
  2. Harley just thinking like "Please just go, I want to do my thing"
  3. Let's look on the positive side. Entertaining or not, at least they're deep cleaning
  4. Or Harley sleeps in the bedroom for at least one night (I don't even say more), which she deserves a lot
  5. I really feel bad that Harley and Fiora are practically the only ones who aren't there. This would have been very good for both, especially Harley who has been very isolated and in a whirlwind of emotions...
  6. Harley is sleeping atm. She isn't feeling well apparently from what noldus said. O&U checked if she had everything she needed near the couch before leaving
  7. 1827 Olivia and Ulyana left. Harley didn't show them out
  8. Don't know if she will have strength to roll it after yesterday 😂 She was ready to sleep already, O&U aren't letting her
  9. Yes and I checked if it was offline and it said it was and the server not responding
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