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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Anna will start to be set aside if Lola and Mila keep spending more time together without her
  2. With that I agree. But Radi is also there for a long time already and not doing anything (IMHO)
  3. The tennants started staying longer than just the three months like more or less after the pandemic started ecloding
  4. The standard stay time for the vacation apts in the past used to be like 3 months for a long time if I'm not mistaken
  5. 1505 Sweet old monica leaves the project after a total of 528 days in it. Happy trails, safe trip, take care and all the best to you Monica! Thank you and welcome back!
  6. Let's see if Ariana, Radislava and Pam also pack soon. I don't know about Pam, since she has her "boy"
  7. That's distressing but at the same time funny to watch, that guy around the girls 😂
  8. Or leaving the party for the girls, who knows 🤷‍♂️
  9. I'm talking about that very crazy one where the guys arived late in the night and were smoking some weird stuff
  10. It seems like we're living again that party here in b2 with guys out of RLC when Amalia was still there
  11. I mean, they were still the closest, despite all the run-ins
  12. Stream keeps freezing from time to time, and stays frozen without even reloading
  13. Maybe because it's still very early and she still misses her presence, since, despite all the run-ins, she was the closest to her of them three
  14. You have a point, didn't even think on that fact
  15. And for quite some time there haven't been parties like this at all, until now after she left
  16. It makes sence but I mean like, I don't know, it seems like they started to have been a bit more withdrawn at some moment with her presence during her last days or even week or two, and now, since she left, puff, they got exponentially loose
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