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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Don't know if anyone saw but I'm going to write again. They all look more loose since the moment she left, curious at least.
  2. It might be because there's more movement there than in any other apts/ cams
  3. Oh yes, in fact she looks older than just 23
  4. @wooders78I know you're not attacking me. I'm just justifying why I said that she left today, even though it was yesterday
  5. And they all look more loose since her departure 🤔
  6. Her name was still there this morning when I quickly checked, that's why I said she left today
  7. Wait is Gina there? And yes, it's official, Amira left the project today as expected. I've not been here for the last couple of hours
  8. The thing is if she's really leaving on thursday or even tomorrow
  9. RLC should definitely arrange Nelly and Bogdan another apartment like they did to Gina. They are one of the nicest people/ couples and with a very long stay already, since the times of Russia, passing by Masha's apartment in Italy, etc.
  10. Is it me or they've been messing with cams on gov apts? First they opened the 5-3 pool cam in b4, then they removed the blur of the living room cam 1 in b1 and now they closed the kitchen cam 5 in b2 and re-opened it again
  11. He must have not slept anything in these days for being already in bed, with a party on
  12. This is the deadliest party I've seen, with Bruno already in bed
  13. I've been out. Seems like the party was lame from what I see here. Where are the girls (Nelly, Cleo and her friend)?
  14. And the other girls are out too. The party is very dead
  15. Who left and who's staying? I was away for some minutes
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