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Everything posted by costa049

  1. He had to go out to calm down, he looks more calm
  2. She's mad at him. She doesn't like how he treats her sometimes and the way he talks to her sometimes
  3. Well, she is there for exactly 7 months now (joined on september 26)
  4. Hmm, I don't think so. Gina is already gold for RLC for the time she spent on the project. And even now that she has her own apt
  5. I think he's from Barcelona and Gina is russian or ukranian
  6. They should have put it like "Gina rejoined the project as couples/ as a couple with Bruno" or so
  7. True, and you do a nice work to kep the site alive and fast and secure. But RLC has lots of programming issues and not so good server capacity. Some features keep failing, such as the previews, getting unavailable and/ or taking a lot to load, player issues (loading issues, lagging/ freezing, reloading), etc. Not to speak about their support. Even so, it's been getting better over time, but nohing very substantial.
  8. I think she wants to change her life by moving to the couples section, starting by the fact that she didn't join the party (despiste she was with Ariana). And it's good that she has more guests, not only from the b's. But let's see
  9. It was more of a welcoming meeting for the new apt, not a repeated show. And Ariana is kinda nice and bearable somehow
  10. Well, yesterday, her 1st day there, she spent the friday all by herself during the party at b4. But w'll see how this goes and if it has legs
  11. At least Gina was smart and moved on in the right time for good 🙂
  12. And I forgot about the heat exaustion. I also hope they spend a nice weekend in the apt, in case Ari stays for the wekend
  13. According to health indications you shouldn't spend more than 5-10 minutes in it at a time (for beginners) or 15 minutes at a time (max), because you can run the risk of dehydration and heat exaustion, and a possible temporary decrease in fertility (in men)
  14. True 😂 But spending too much time in a sauna has some health related side effects, like dehydration
  15. Has anyone noticed if it gets foggy in the sauna?
  16. True, even the kitchen at b1 (her 1st two stays) is a bit bigger. Let's see
  17. I agree. Just to mention that I miswrote, I meant that she even eats in her room where she spends most of the time
  18. They just took the laptop to the sauna, hope they don't break it with the heat/ humidity
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