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Everything posted by costa049

  1. She wasn't wanting to get involved, she even refused the cake
  2. Completely agree. Things were going a little more calm until then
  3. They (C&C, Radi didn't want) were eating the cake baked by Sera like crazy directly from the bowl, taking photos and with Claire even recording Carlos eating
  4. Oh man, I hope she doesn't get even more mad tomorrow. I can't imagine her tomorrow
  5. Are Claire and Carlos mad at each other or fine now?
  6. And that can be dangerous beause it can create a fight between them about something that doesn't have to do directly with them (C&C). And it also can create groups between them, if they don't resolve this as adults
  7. It's more than just that here. It is now involving rules and respect. But some people here know better than me
  8. Don't know since she tried to calm down and comfort Sera while Carlos was comforting Radi
  9. Hope this time of Carlos and Radi doesn't became something problematic to him and Claire
  10. Weird environment that became now from one moment to another, With Ari and Sera in their rooms, Radi in her room with Carlos and Clair alone downstairs
  11. Now Sera went to take a bath/ shower and Claire came downstairs alone while Carlos is still with Radi. Hope it doesn't become problematic to them (C&C)
  12. Again, too much to explain. You better read all that's been said here if you want
  13. It's sad that Radi isn't with them, and Carlos consecutively isn't with them too to keep her company
  14. Well, was not part of the plan because of their tension, which Claire is even trying to help fix
  15. Can someone who saw and understood explain to me the dinner situation?
  16. I was away, Claire ruined dinner? Can you explain what happened, or someone who saw and understood?
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