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Everything posted by costa049

  1. It is inconceivable and a total ashame for a site this big, with 11 years of existance and with decet quality of image and sound and good site features compared to others, still having amateur issues. Poor servers and overall site programming issues, such as poor site experience with content showing poor aspect (player sometimes not showing correctly, previews disappearing, etc.), streams constantly lagging, freezing, not loading and reloading or even the site itself loading slow or going down, or misclicking loading the wrong streams, etc.
  2. You mean, their servers cannot handle a certain amount of traffic. And it's true
  3. Not loading again. Seems as fucked up as cc was yesterday
  4. Now they load for me, but always in the same minutes and then they freeze
  5. They now load, but with the same minutes in the time and then freezes
  6. Ok, she's near megan now. Gina and nelly were recording with the ring light
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