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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Sometimes I don't get their meeting choices. When some girls meet, either in other tennants' rooms or from one b# apt to another, others stay alone in their rooms or in another house compartment (which is the case of radi)
  2. Yeah, but for the time she stayed why did she bring alcohol then? And they could've gone to b4 instead, as ariana and serafima are there (don't know why radi didn't go)
  3. Well, for the time she stayed, it was better not to have gone
  4. Monica didn't also get ready and didn't come out of her bedroom
  5. She's just dropped in. They weren't counting on her as Amira was relaxed without clothes. They're now preparing something to give her
  6. Sorry, I didn't noteice. But does she look better now than before?
  7. We can clearly see that she's not in her regular mood, she looks more "dead". As rado also said, she didn't even want to go outside
  8. I saw later, poor Masha... Hope she gets well soon
  9. Is she sick? She's sniffing and blowing her nose, and even made a hot tea now...
  10. Alberto is saying it was complicated at the beginning of the project because of the cams and there is a lot of people watching him
  11. On that I agree with you. And avoid puking, ruining the parties and being a waste of alcohol
  12. Of course we all want some craziness in our lives, but their crazy behaviour is constant
  13. It demonstrates their mentality, the fact that they constantly want crazy parties with lots of alcohol and drugs. We're not just talking about an episode ore two of a party night, it's constant
  14. When they have the adrenaline of the new years, alcohol, drugs and hot girls and hot chicks available control just goes away, and they turn on the childish mode
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