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Everything posted by costa049

  1. She's seated in the bathroom (can't understand if she's throwing up or not)
  2. A really hard and delicate mission, since the drunk guests can show up any time hahahah
  3. And how they hid the bj when the guest guy arrived hahahahah
  4. Where is the other guest girl? I don't see her anywhere since she got out of the guest room with her bf (who is at the kitchen terrace)
  5. But why do they still have shoes on at home instead of flip flops for example, even more having changed clothes?
  6. It may not be so bad. But when they were having constant lags, freezings and reloads at p1 and b1 during the spring months (when Eurpe was in quarentine), they put those apts UM, once ore even twice. @Daleys I forgot to quote
  7. They may have fixed it when they started getting the emails
  8. I'm not experiencing any for now with them at the table talking
  9. But this apt has never had any lagging for more than a year. And lots of people always watch it, especially when there are parties with guests
  10. Is it me or did the lagging and freezing stop (at least in cam 4)?
  11. Yeap, that's what I say. She receives princess treatment
  12. She's treated like a real princess. She has a private cleaning lady, a private masseuse and a private beautician
  13. Yanai is out, Carla went to take a shower. Guests arriving?
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