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Everything posted by costa049

  1. This is gonna be more interesting, especially because they've already drank quite some cups and they're pretty warm
  2. This gets me more sexually tense, because I have to imagine from the previews since I'm a free user
  3. Now she's been less time on phone calls, more at night and when she goes to the balcony sometimes since Kylie talked with her bf on monday. And Rus is frequently glued to his laptop
  4. Viola's constant phone calls apparently have finished and she is spending more time with Kylie.Yesterday, they went out, then cooked dinner and ate while Rus was taking a nap, and later they went to the couch in the middle of the night to watch something on Kylie's phone untill 3 am. And now they're on the couch watching something and drinking beer together. It seems like Kylie hasn't been happy about the frequent calls untill that show on monday where she talked to Viola's bf, and she just wanted to have more time to enjoy with her
  5. 00h53 Kylie went off bed to the couch with Viola. They must be going to sleep together
  6. Kylie was dead yesterday in the end of the night, but the truth is that she is the only one awake now
  7. It woud be interesting that someone who understands russian more or less sumarizes what happened in concrete
  8. I said poor because her head must be in a whirlwind and she cried. But what you said totally makes sense, and K&R had to make the hole thing reach this point
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