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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Viola in tears on the couch and Kylie went off bed to go hug her...
  2. Maybe, Rus lifted her and spinned her more than once when she had already drank some cups. And now she doesn't want to drink more
  3. Oh, that's why they went back to the couch and kept talking without her, as she went inside (out of the living room)
  4. And Kylie was watching from the couch and laughing softly while shaking her head
  5. Rus slapped Viola's ass with a bit more strength, and she got so mad at him that started throwing him stuff in anger with some strength too 😦
  6. It's more than time now for rlc to fix all the issues in the site and improve the servers. They have almost 10 yeaars and they keep having amateur issues in the site from time to time. Lag, player loading issues, previews not working, etc etc 😡
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