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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I agree with you in that matter, and in this last stay they were even less interesting than before. And I'd seriously like to see Kristy being traansferred, at least to b4 if not to another area since she is an old rlc gem (in the good sence). And she surely is more interesting than the twins IMO
  2. I disagree a bit. From what I saw, the twins were boring, rarely doing anything more active and going to bed early. And what if Kristy is not that confortable in b1 to be more active? Or what if she is just not like that now? I don't know. I prefer kristy in b4 much more than the twins honestly, if they don't move her to another department such as roommates/singles for example
  3. I totally agree. The relationship between Kristy and Irma seems a bit forced sometimes, but between Kristy and Alana is much more natural. No surprise IMO, since they've been together before
  4. And after her stay here, will rlc send her to b4 as they did with the twins? I like her much more than the twins, she is one of rlc's masterpieces.
  5. I love kristy, she's one of the old rlc's masterpieces. But I don't see her bating that much ore being that nasty as she used to be in the past, at least in R1. And why did rlc decide to have her back, and why in b1 and not in a roommates/singles or even couples? How long will she last here, and where will she go then?
  6. Yeah, we can see that they really seem to be enjoying it and having fun very naturally. And I'm likng the game
  7. I'm sorry to be disagreeing with you, since you don't know what happens in a girl's group. Your vision of reality is reduced to what you're used to see. This is not a pure cam site, where the actors act to the cams. The concept here is reallity, with the plus of us watching. Of course they have to act a little bit because they know that they have viewers, but that is a very little portion of all this, since the main concept is "reallity". And if you see, they aren't even worried with the presence of the cams or keep looking at them
  8. YOU don't get it. One thing is them having guys around the appartment and feeling their presence, another thing is guys watching. And I suppose they don't even know who's watching
  9. Of course not, and since there are no boys around they have the right to play it all together, because they may feel more confortable to play it without boys
  10. And who told you that they didn't want to do this game or were forced to do it? They really seem to be liking it and enjoying it very naturally. If you don't like you don't have to whatch, but you can't define it's not real. This game is part of the party
  11. Since b4 got UM at least 2 times, I'm starting to think that RLC sent them here in b1 to fix something or they got invited by the girls who already knew that b4 was going to be UM, and took advantage of it to do a party. But on the other hand, Aisha and Dana are there while it is getting in the UMs
  12. But if they were not invited, it may be embarrassing and frustrating for them I have to say. And the situation gets even worse if they know that all the girls went and that they weren't invited to the fun 😁
  13. I'm not talking about shows, but considering the hypothesis that they were invited, either from rlc itself or especially the girls from b1, it's a lack of courtesy and a bit of antipathy from them for not having come
  14. And moving forward, I don't know If you saw my question or not, but it's curious that Aisha and Dana stayed home. It seems a little unfriendly from them, espoecially if they were invited from rlc itself or the girls from b1
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