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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I'm sorry to inform you that you lost the argument. 😉
  2. You will be wrong until you show me where RLC talks about porn, or where they state that the tenants are obligated to do stuff. Keep thinking like that and wasting your money.
  3. First of all, sorry if I'm being repetitive but from what I keep reading I want to make this clarification. I also want to let clear that I'm not defending anyone. Pornography–"porn" or "porno" for short–is material that depicts nudity or sexual acts for the purpose of sexual stimulation. However, the presence of nudity or sexual acts in a piece of media does not necessarily make that media pornographic if the purpose of that media form is something other than specifically sexual stimulation. And RLC doesn't state anywhere about acting for sexual stimulation. They state, on the contrary, that it is a site where we can see the private life of other people in apartments equipped with video cameras. Those people aren't actors and there are no scenarios, they are just living their private lives and they just happen to know about the presence of the cameras, but pretend to not know, and what they do is up to themselves. This is simply and just legal voyeurism, which is different from porn, since they show themselves in front of the cameras but there are no scenarios and they don't act and aren't obligated or forced to do anything for them, unlike in porn. And following the first two sentences, it just happens to contain sexual content, which is no other than adult material only, which is why they put the age advertisement. Since then, when this type of content happens, it is a bonus. And this is where the main problem here resides, which generates this whole misconception, because people mainly demand and complain based on this exact misconception.
  4. Well, I'm sorry but I have to inform you that you came to the wrong place then, because RLC isn't about that. It contains that type of content amongst other stuff. It's different.
  5. True. And If she wanted more, she wouldn't just bring different guys for a night.
  6. Unless I'm stupid, I won't buy a Pepsi and complain that it doesn't taste like coca-cola.
  7. What the tenants do and don't do, on or offcam, is up to themselves. RLC has nothing to do with it. Unless they have any bad behavior.
  8. [RE-WRITE] Pornography–"porn" or "porno" for short–is material that depicts nudity or sexual acts for the purpose of sexual stimulation. However, the presence of nudity or sexual acts in a piece of media does not necessarily make that media pornographic if the purpose of that media form is something other than specifically sexual stimulation. And RLC doesn't state anywhere about acting for sexual stimulation. They state, on the contrary, that it is a site where we can see the private life of other people in apartments equipped with video cameras. Those people aren't actors and there are no scenarios, they are just living their private lives and they just happen to know about the presence of the cameras, but pretend to not know, and what they do is up to themselves. This is simply and just legal voyeurism, which is different from porn, since they show themselves in front of the cameras but there are no scenarios and they don't act and aren't obligated or forced to do anything for them, unlike in porn. And it just happens to contain sexual content, which is no other than adult material only, which is why they put the age advertisement. Since then, when this type of content happens, it is a bonus. And this is where the main problem here resides, which generates this whole misconception, because people mainly demand and complain based on this exact misconception.
  9. Hasn't Dana been in the project before, or am I wrong?
  10. I will not give up trying to clarify people's misconceptions.
  11. Nothing against you, just to clarify. A norm is not an obligation. A norm is something that is usual, typical. An obligation, on the other hand, is an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound, which isn't the case with sexual content.
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