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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Sorry, I'm not defending or trying to defend anyone. I'm just trying to clarify a misconception.
  2. Pornography–"porn" or "porno" for short–is material that depicts nudity or sexual acts for the purpose of sexual stimulation. However, the presence of nudity or sexual acts in a piece of media does not necessarily make that media pornographic if the purpose of that media form is something other than only sexual stimulation. And RLC doesn't state anywhere about sexual stimulation. They state that it is a site where we can see the private life of other people in apartments equipped with video cameras. They aren't actors and there are no scenarios, they are just living their private lives and they just happen to know about the presence of the cameras, but pretend to not know, and what they do is up to themselves. This is simply and just legal voyeurism, which is different from porn, since they show themselves in front of the cameras but aren't obligated to do anything for them. And it just happens to contain sexual content, which is no other than adult material only, which is why they put the age advertisement.
  3. There is a big misconcepion going on here by many people, and that is why I say some people waste their money, when they come to RLC thinking it is a porn site while it isn't.
  4. Adding to that, in this case it is legally viewing online images and videos of people who pretend to not know they are being looked at.
  5. Yes I did. I even explained the misconception.
  6. I rate it as a voyeur site. Watching porn is somewhat voyeuristic, but the connotation of voyeurism is watching someone in secret, or pretending to be in secret. "Spying". Some people do with with consent via role playing or via a service.
  7. Fior has been delivering them stuff lately.
  8. If you really read that, they advice that it "contains explicit adult materials", not that it IS an adult site.
  9. 1 - Because they happen to have that type of content on the site a lot, which is what the tenants happen to do during their private lives, as they advice themselves, although they aren't obligated to do it. 2- RLC doesn't classify itself anywhere as a porn site or state that the girls are obligated to provide any type of specific content. On the contrary, they state "People you see online are not actors, they are real people living their routine lives in apartments equipped with video cameras. There are no scenarios, no operators, video editing or censorship - just 24/7 life as it is".
  10. And if it doesn't happen, the tenants mustn't be buried just for that and people don't have to keep complaining on and on about that, since they AREN'T obligated to do anything. As @StnCld316once rightly said, that type of content just happens to happen, we as viewers/ subs just expect it to happen since it is highly likely. And if it happens, which it does with a very high probability on the whole RLC, it is a bonus to us.
  11. From what I see here all the time it is what it shows me of those people, who don't seem to have a happy life to enjoy.
  12. It's just that people come here thinking RLC is a porn site and that the tenants should be bating or having sex all the time, and keep complaining.
  13. At least she has a happy life, goes out and has fun. Well, you, however, sadly just stay locked in ur room all day complaining.
  14. And she just arrived back from a night out.
  15. I only know that this is not a 24/7 porn site, sorry to inform you. And I feel sorry for your waste of money.
  16. Good to see them all sharing laughs, not everything can be bad.
  17. At least Esmi can share a laugh with her sister.
  18. It's sad that people can't see and accept RLC's kindness to accommodate a refugee, and it just demonstrates people's lack of humanity. And neither RLC is a 24/7 porn site or a cam-girl like site.
  19. If it was another type of site then you could. And I feel even more sorry you're wasting your money like this. Stop with that BS.
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