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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I love how people keep thinking that what a tenant doesn't do or if he/ she is more or less time out is RLC's fault, when the tenants aren't obligated to do anything and RLC explains all this in their FAQ.
  2. Totally agree. But you know that there's people who still complain anyway, no matter what...
  3. Thank you anyway. But it is just cringe calling someone "my girls"...
  4. As it is usually said, it is very hard to please Greeks and Trojans. People will just complain either way, even nice things like this socializations at other apartments and with other people, without appreciating it instead...
  5. But that should only be a last resort, and disrespect (direct or not) as I said should not be something repetitive and should not be something not letting them keep going to each others apartments
  6. But she can't guess that something might happen. And if so, she has to man up. And in case the guy insists, tell the house hosts to ask him to leave or, as a last resort, leave by her own.
  7. Maybe not, or maybe yes but not coming to my mind. You can say it (Daniel?), but it doesn't matter for the crux of the matter.
  8. Not to offend you, but that's BS. Even if you have a partner you should still be able be able to hang out, and there must just be confidence and respect between each of the partners.
  9. Might be something related to their departure from B4 (not being ironic).
  10. OK, this is an isolated episode, and now I was even talking in general. But very rarely hanging at other apartments doesn't help anyway.
  11. So then she has nothing to worry about. I think that nothing should be done that can limit or inhibit them from hanging out. If nothing bad happens or can potentially happen, then they don't have to be affraid to hang out from time to time at other apartments, like Marlene and the sisters are doing.
  12. Did she do anything with/ to them or vice-versa?
  13. I have already tasted it and it's crunchy and very good. 👌
  14. Your vision of things is a bit sad. Not saying it was your intention and your thought this time. But it's better to stay home all the time than to also hang out with other people at other places, especially at other apartmentartments like they are doing now at B6 (although Marlene still hangs out at other apartments)...
  15. Because you said they are on cams nothing to complain, when you also complain even when they are on cams.
  16. People will just be waiting to find something to complain about. 😉
  17. They just can't go out on their own and have fun like big girls, without having to forcedly be closed at home all the time. But you will complain either way.
  18. It means nothing. They could meet some tenant(s) outside and go to her/ their apartment, or some other apartment, or just go by themselves (as Esmi did with B2).
  19. Ok, it makes sense. But it can perfectly be at another apartment, who knows. It's not the first time they go to other apartments, even Esmi went to B2 alone, slept and showered there.
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