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Everything posted by costa049

  1. But she's been a bit more quiet since the call.
  2. Yep, althrough money isn't everything (ofc it is important). An example is Radi, who is there for much more time and has behaved like how we know.
  3. Those bedside table lamps at Z&E's fuck up the lighting a bit.
  4. Karol and her guy warming up. And nice shower from Zaba.
  5. Maybe I never saw it there. And they could still give it to someone else. But it's nice bringing it to B1
  6. I'm not on a porn site or cam-girl site, so your argument is completely irrelevant. 😉
  7. I seriously advice you to take your hand off your dick for a second and get a life to enjoy, for your own good. End of discussion.
  8. You are a joke, because you keep calling them "offcam" and when they are having fun on cams you don't give a comment or just complain about everything that isn't sexually related. So your argument is irrelevant my friend. 😉
  9. Maybe you didn't see the "offcam" sisters having fun at B5 "on cams". I wonder why you didn't give a single comment on that. Wait, I know, no need to waste words, they weren't bating or with a guy fucking.
  10. This is the proof that they don't need only alcohol, drugs and sexual stuff to have fun and be watchable.
  11. I've never seen the sisters this amused.
  12. They are having real fun and Kylie and Rus are showing some very rare normality.
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