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Everything posted by tallguy74

  1. im not surprised to read that Julia and gavin are leaving tmr. people are droppin like flies in voro. I wonder if Natasha will stay or go? my guess is she will stay but she will be up at tver a lot. they cant leave her in voro alone. I will miss Julia, she was nice to watch. I wonder who will be next to move into voro?
  2. wow that really sucks for u guys. from the pics it looked real. they shouldn't fake any sex shows, ppl pay to see the real thing. well we all know Julia and gavin don't fake it. that's why I love Julia. you guys should report it to VV. they owe you a good show. but is Natasha on contract?
  3. thank u for the pics spielo, you do a great job. im greatful for all the pics and updates. mr1010.. u should tweet VV tell them to add more free cams in voro I tried but they don't respond to me.
  4. mr1010. I want to rejoin, but Im not able to. funds are not good right now due to holidays. hopefully I can join down the road. I really appreciate all the updates and pics. but watching it live is much better. VV should do free previews or contests for free viewers. plus add more free cams. only a suggestion
  5. I hope all is ok with Christy. I still feel that she should be in voro. im not sure how things will go in tver. voro will be different now with aikra there. he belongs in tver. im not crazy about the possible hookup between aikra and Natasha. it sucks only having free cams. you don't see much unless its in the living room. they should add another free cam.
  6. wow what a crazy day/night in VV. sad to see Christy move out of voro, and into tver. she seems upset and maybe doesn't wanna be in tver. as for akira.. im not sure if hes back for good or just temporary? he doesn't fit in voro or with Natasha. he belongs in tver. questions about Natasha... is she on contract? her name isn't on the page, unless they change it now that Christy left. shes been in voro awhile now. gavin has been acting strange all evening, but now hes havin fun with Natasha. Julia seems good tonight. we need soe answers from VV about Christy, aikra and natasha
  7. hello.. well it looks like Natasha had some fun tonight in tver with petra. I missed it all, but thanks for posting the pics. I hardly watch tver cuz im not a fan of ivor or petra. I watch voro mostly, cuz I love Julia. I still like Christy but her moving to tver might be a mistake. Natasha and Sonia are getting to be good friends. Sonia has changed a lot since phil.
  8. If Julia and gavin got married, wouldn't they be goin on their honeymoon? plus that means they are both off limits as far as hookin up with other people. unless they both agree to it, which I don't think so. having singles in the apartments is better cause it makes things more interesting. I don't mind Julia and gavin bein a married couple, they are great together. I thought ivo and petra were a couple, but I guess they are just good friends, and ivo and Sonia seem tight now. I hope they find a good guy for Natasha, she needs to separate from Julia and gavin. when Christy moves to tver, im not sure how things will go. will she act jealous still, or be civil and mix in. she seems to get along with Natasha. I hope next year, VV gives us a NEW APARTMENT. make things more exciting, NEW PPL
  9. hey mr1010.. the party was decent, lots of loud music, dancing, stripping, smoking. gavin was the only guy. petra and Sonia only came. they played twister but it didn't last long. there didn't seem to be a lot of drinking, but Natasha got drunk. only sex show was Julia and gavin. Christy was anti-social again. it was great to see Julia and Natasha do a strip. they are both very sexy.
  10. thank you to everyone for posting great pics. good pics of Julia & gavin sex. nice pics of Natasha flashing the cam. she is a wild one but def entertaining and very nice body. the party was good except the only guy was gavin. they need a new guy in voro for Natasha, unless she likes girls??
  11. good day all.. looks like Christy is stayin in voro for now. they all seem to be getting along again, altho there hasn't been any action in a few days. its much nicer without the 3 stooges around. I hope to rejoin the site but im waiting for things to get better before I do. I don't think much will happen tonight in voro
  12. it was a weird week with the 3 stooges. nothing really happened with them. the girls didn't want nothing to do with them. now they have left, and Julia,gavin and Natasha have taken off for the whole day and overnight. voro is dead until the other 3 return. I think Christy took advantage of having the aptment to herself. she will prob move to tver tmrw. I really hope things pick back up again in voro. things will be diff now that Christy wont be there.
  13. mr1010... yes its pretty tuff not bein able to see the bedrooms/bathrooms. the free cams are not fun unless they are doing something in the living room. lately they been hangin out in the bedroom which sucks for free viewers. they should add more cams for free, 2 cams isn't much. Im glad that people here posts good pics. altho I rather see it live. I might rejoin the site, not sure yet.
  14. mr1010... I appreciate the kind words. I also enjoy reading all your posts. as for Natasha and Julia being so close. I don't think they are sisters. they just seem really good friends and they get along well. Natasha seems to like gavin a lot too. they all leave together everyday, so I wonder if Natasha goes to work with them or maybe she has a separate job? we don't know. I curious to see Natasha with a guy. I bet she can give us a wild show.
  15. well it looks like tomorrow will be interesting. im glad that Christy is moving to tver, she will be happier there. she has been in voro awhile and she seems bored there now. I think we will see some Christy/petra shows now while she awaits her guy. Im glad that the "new guys are leaving tmrw. they do not fit in VV to well. as for voro once Christy leaves... I wonder if they will bring in a new guy for Natasha. or keep things just the 3 of them? they are very close friends, but I don't see a 3way developing either. we will see I do think we will see more sex from Julia and gavin once voro is quieter and less people.
  16. mr1010.. I read your post and I agree with you. even tho I don't watch tver due to not liking ivor. I was a bit surprised to hear that aikra left. that m essed things up a bit in tver. but it did open up some space for someone new to move into tver, which I think is perfect for Christy. she has been in voro for awhile now and Its time for her to move up. they all seem to like her now. as for voro... I think Julia and gavin are a good fit there. then Natasha would have the other room with a new guy. as for the 3 guys in voro, at first I thought it was a one night event, but it has turned into more and not exciting to watch. before they came, Julia, gavin, Christy were havin fun together. ever since the party with tver, things took a big turn. I really want to rejoin the site so I can see everything, but right now its not interesting enough for me. I also think they should add more free cams to make more people sign up
  17. I tweeted VV to let them know I don't like whats been goin on in voro. I don't complain much if any, but I think it has to be addressed to VV. im currently not paying for the site, but to me its not worth the 30 per month. I would rejoin if things changed and got more exciting. im not sure if VV will do much to change things, but it don't hurt to let them know how I feel. I enjoy watching but lately things have been not exciting and somewhat boring. plus you don't get as much from 2 free cams in living room. we will see what happens.
  18. one question I have... they have 2 living room cams for free in voro. why not have the 3rd living room cam free also. its all the same room just different angles. or they could add a few new cameras or change the view angles.
  19. the 3 stooges as I call them, need to leave. they are killing the vibe in voro. they are boring and don't add nothing to the apartments. I think Natasha goes to the shoots with Julia and gavin. I feel bad for Christy, she is home with these clowns. I think VV may be fixing the door soon so that Julia n gavin have more privacy. some guy came in and took a pic of the door. I still can only view free cams, so theres not much to watch. kinda boring with the 3 stooges there
  20. its been a few days since I posted any comments. I have been watching all the action in voro the last few days, and its been quite a lot of chaos. I don't know why VV sent in 3 new guys. they don't fit in at all. the big party in voro was good. lots of fun. I really enjoy watching Julia and gavin, they are great. Natasha is nice, but at times shes strange. she very close with Julia and gavin. Christy seems bored and moody a lot. but she has been havin some fun too. I think voro should be... Julia and gavin along with Natasha and a new guy for her. I think tver should be.... ivor, Sonia, petra....Christy and ivos friend
  21. another good night in voro. im just wondering who will sleep where. theres 2 new guys.
  22. hello, well its nice to see a new girl in voro, even tho shes just a guest of Julia and gavin. she is cute but kinda hyper. I don't think shes stayin long, perhaps 2 nights at best. Christy looks hot in white.
  23. where can I see the porn vids of Julia n gavin? VV is boring tonight
  24. hello, its nice to see Julia, Christy and gavin having a nice meal together. Julia looks great as always. I really do miss the good ol days in voro. things have really changed alot. I haven't seen much action lately. things have been rather quiet. I haven't seen much alcohol in voro either. no parties either. im actually kind of glad I canceled. maybe things will pick up. we will see
  25. unsich.. yes I saw the pm. thank u.
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