I meant they get paid for living there so they don't have to work anywhere else. But they are not following any scripts, they just do what they normally do. So it's as Real Life as real life gets!
Not anytime soon I don't believe!! RLC doesn't give a damn about any of us that pay them money to watch they're site! If nothing else they should at least have Hi Def cameras for peets sake!
If you two guys hurry, you might still catch "remolacha". He got the directions.
I don't know about the first instance, but I definitely saw her doing it at her desk watching something on the laptop. She made sure we couldn't see anything, but her face and body shaking was a dead give away. Oh, and she used some kind of device she keeps in the top drawer of her closet
Shut the fuck up with Kiko already. He ain't there. He just came over for the weekend. Don't you think he and Nora have their own place where they live before she came back? He is at home taking care of agent dog and doing whatever business he is doing.
Currently the lights are of, so both cams are in night time mode. When she turns the lamp on, it's out of line of sight of cam 5. When the cam doesn't see direct light it stays in night time mode
Lol, no one can tell you what temperature is the apartment. But I can tell you it's warm enough to walk around in underwear. Apartment buildings have a common heating system which usually makes it hot enough.
And for the last time, RLC pays all the tenants' utility bills
And by the way Nora is far from boring! She was top of the talk in the old apartment, and is the only one who masturbated and had sex in this apartment
And bam, she's all happy and smiling. And now wearing a little mini dress to go out. Good going girl! Fuck that useless piece of shit.
Er, on secod thought, don't fuck him. Just keep masturbating ;)
Atta girl Leora! Taking matters into her own hands. That was a beautiful thing to see. Was no "5 minute Dasha" either.
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