Wow ok3years then i understand thats a long time they been here guess they decided do something new in life,, , and lol veronica and lucas must be the most boring cam couple ever zero fun in that apartment and the free camera angles sucked too hope somebody better moves in...
Ah interesting didnt know that so thats why she was so much in apartment and nevrr went out so much u got almost all bills payed weird if they moved out suddenly maybe they argued or something who knows.
So this apartment is this reallifecam owners that rented it to them so they lived or was it their own apartment? Also do the couples get any money from showing cameras around house online nonstop im sure they dont do this all for free?
Nooo why are they leaving? Is it because they move to new place or? They dont look happy at all i wonder what happend and why is the fat girl always there it seems she lives there alot sleeps over shower etc..... If they leave i will stop visit that site all other couples are so boring to watch...