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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. She doesn't want to do anything that much on camera.
  2. I don't get it. Top cam was Leora and Paul doing nothing, while W&W are having sex. These people that follow L&P are fucking ridiculous weirdos.
  3. I'm sure Sera told her what to do to get a top cam without actually doing something.
  4. They need to clean house in B1 and B4 and start over. These girls are the worst ever.
  5. Looks like Kristy taught her how to bate with the blanket on one leg so you can't see shit.
  6. And of course Wayne had to interrupt her and ruin it.☹️
  7. Top cam is Lara......why? She does absolutely nothing. 😄
  8. Top cam is outside snowing. I guess many people haven't seen snow before. 😄
  9. Just put Kimberly in the empty room in B1. Then we can watch her and Sera go at it.
  10. Kimberly is a attention whore. She lays on her bed naked with her legs spread and looks at her phone. She thinks fake tits and blown up lips makes her look better, but it doesn't.
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