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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Nice bate from Tasha while everyone else is watching the shit in B5.
  2. This could have been good, but this idiot fucked it up.
  3. Things like this don't come very often in life. Go for it!
  4. Is this guy a fucking idiot? Wake up douchebag!
  5. I never saw Candy before. Looks like she has inflated lips like the other dumb girls that do that. I haven't seen her put her phone down yet.....off to a great start.😕
  6. She has stepped up her game while her friend does absolutely nothing as far as bating. Tani is a waste of a room fucking that idiot Tim. 👎
  7. I can't be the only one that is happy when Sera goes to sleep so I don't have to see her on top cam for doing nothing. 😂
  8. Sera has saggy tits. I laugh when someone says she has nice tits.
  9. Don't even bother watching Sera. She's a sad boring bitch that shouldn't have come back on RLC.
  10. Tani is a do nothing to me. I would rather see Radi back in that room.
  11. Ya, they keep bringing the worst girls back. 👎
  12. I would never watch her unless she is doing something that I like, and that would be on replay. I see it in the top cams below and get accused of watching that sad sack.😄
  13. How is Sera top cam? She is doing the exact same thing as before. She's a fucking joke. 🙄
  14. She always seems miserable and hardly smiles. Such a cunt. RLC fucked up once again.
  15. Serafima is a fucking bitch.....period! Radi was awesome to me. 😜
  16. At least Sera did some bates at the end of her last stay. There was no sexual emotion in them, but they were bates.
  17. Ya, she didn't make any sound at all when she bated. She's weird.
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