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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. It's ridiculous. These people on here treat it like its a soap opera. 🙄
  2. There are others on RLC that could learn from Tasha. 👍
  3. To me they were both today. 14:37 and 00:32. The second one was totally under the blanket.
  4. At least she bates, unlike a certain girl in B4. And the girls she replaced in B7.
  5. Lavika just finished bating. She is the best. Fuck these non baters like Tani and Sera.
  6. I just got home from work and turned on RLC to check out the new girl. Wtf, another one with inflated lips. What is wrong with these girls, it looks hideous. 👎
  7. Kitty's mom was hot. Candy's mom is old, fat, and gross.
  8. There's more to it than her pussy. She has no emotion, she's sad, and depressing to watch. She doesn't belong on RLC and needs go back into the hole that she crawled out of.
  9. I can't believe people actually watch her. 🙄
  10. These guys are fucking idiots. Nobody likes to be bothered when they are bating.
  11. What time was that? I don't see any bating from her.
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