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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. All you idiots watching a soap opera crack me up. This took a real meaning to the saying " I'll eat my words ". Seda is real entertaining to me.
  2. They are look alikes? I didn't notice Karma's blown up lips.
  3. It was only 10 seconds. That's strange.
  4. They finally have someone speaking English here, but they are whispering.....wtf
  5. I think Tonya is worse than Shantal, if that's possible. 😒
  6. Is Australia really 2 days ahead of me? It's only 6 days into 2024 over here.
  7. This bullshit with these fucking idiots from B7 going to B4 is getting old. Neytiri doesn't bate anymore because of these fucking douchebags. 😩
  8. Why do they keep giving the master bedroom to do nothing girls? Cecilia should have that room.
  9. Tatiana bates every day now. She is one of my favorites. 😏
  10. I wouldn't care if nothing happens on her first night. It's very rare something does. At least we know something will happen soon.
  11. Puts vibrator on bed and then gets dressed. Maybe just teasing us.
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