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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Stella texting the guy....Hold on, me and Sara have a show to do.
  2. The other one lasted 3 minutes, not 20. And she didn't even have a orgasm.
  3. Sara's guy is in the bed with Sara. She said no sex.....we will see. Update....Sex 5 minutes later.
  4. Huh? Her shows in the house are fake. Anything outside will be real.
  5. I don't care how drunk you are.......You don't act like that with those weird moves.
  6. Figures, I was at work. I hope she does it more and it wasn't a one time thing.
  7. It would have been better if she kept her mouth shut. That voice is annoying.
  8. My question is does Angelina bate, because this Cherry girl ain't doing shit.
  9. Guy was banging Stella and all of a sudden she gets up and leaves. I would be pissed.
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