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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. The girls need to go to a bedroom without that annoying idiot Wolf.
  2. Btw, this new girl looks nothing like Holly. Why would you even think that?
  3. I watched the replay, why would anyone do that with scissors? That was an accident waiting to happen.
  4. An ugly breed, they look like big rats.
  5. To some people everything is racist. This shit is out of control.
  6. I was talking about her short friend. I've seen enough of Martina's tits.
  7. I could care less about Martina leaving, I just wanted to see the short girls tits.
  8. Only the things that are bullshit. I'm not blind like the kids out here.
  9. Can you translate? I have no clue what they are saying.
  10. At my age I don't give a shit. You can always use that ignore thing that I will never use.
  11. When they eat each other out then it will be worth praising them. Until then it's useless to me. I don't care about any bate from Karma. Don't even threaten me with your bullshit.
  12. She did nothing you fucking idiot. They both kept their panties on.
  13. They did nothing! Nothing well done. You are such a fucking idiot.
  14. Relax, I'm just messing with people on here. That's what I do.
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