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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Where did this guy come from? On here for years but never comments until now.
  2. No blowjob? Nevermind, she got enough clicks with her bullshit photo shoot.
  3. Blah,blah,blah.....Sorry, I'm not here to write a book so long that people will skip reading it.
  4. Is that all you got? Same bullshit reply from you every time. If you really think some guy taking pictures of her is exciting to watch then you need to get a life.
  5. I'm glad you really meant Sara. We don't need that one back on RLC.
  6. RLC makes them sound better than they are. She must be a fat ass model.
  7. It was 5/21 to 9/21 that I have. Who was there? All my files are in Gina's folder.
  8. I have her bating at Gina and Bruno's, so try again with your bullshit with me.
  9. BTW, this is about RLC, not my life. Two different things.
  10. Do you want me to list the ones on RLC I find no faults with? Give me an hour. Lately the girls suck!
  11. I watched their bates and they were so fake. Bating to a client on their phone. Look at how fake Olimpia's face is. These 2 are a joke.
  12. This week with the fake girls they become fake lesbians. 😩
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