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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. As much as you try, you could never be me. I am always above you.
  2. I was waiting for kris66 to comment about no condom and getting a std.
  3. It's time for Lubna to eat, puke, and sleep.
  4. He's tired from having sex with Lubna earlier off cam.
  5. The guy likes to write books on here. He really thinks we have time to read all his bullshit.
  6. Why do they have to be from Russia or Ukraine? How about some from the US, so we know what the fuck they are saying!
  7. Shantal is one of the worst girls ever. Always hiding her bating. She is not good looking at all....big ass, big lips, and stupid hair.
  8. Ashley did one of her fake wannabe porn star bates earlier.
  9. Much better bate from Aya. Aziza can't even bother to take her panties off. Aya is my new favorite.
  10. We even have our steering wheel on the wrong side.
  11. I don't care about them having sex. She sits there naked with him gone and does nothing.
  12. ddhm, things have changed on RLC. Hopefully it gets better.
  13. No, she needs to stay away from that asshole. She is doing just fine.
  14. Go to sleep, it's late over there. 😄
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