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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I watch things on a late Saturday night. It's only 11:39 pm. I don't work until Monday. Do you even have a fucking job?
  2. Relax, Nothing will happen with her. She bates with covers on.
  3. And the big dope comes in and ruins everything.
  4. Lubna needs to go, along with useless Nadia and Milena. Clean house!
  5. I like her better than Olimpia with her reconstructed face.
  6. They are desperate with getting cam girls now.
  7. Another cam girl. These 2 are so fake with everything they do.
  8. She is horrible. Naked on the bed until she has to bate, the covers go on. Can't wait for her to leave. But these idiots are obsessed with her. She's not even good looking at all.
  9. Why is an empty bed top cam? You people are really fucked up with this girl.
  10. And that's why she is my favorite girl. And the wide open bates help.
  11. I agree with you on that. I don't know why. 😏
  12. You are so fucked up in your own fantasy world.
  13. Hey asshole, It's only 9:22 pm here. You should be the one going to bed.
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