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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I think he meant the other one. She looks familiar to me, but maybe not.
  2. That's it, she was in B7 not too long ago.
  3. Any girl like that shouldn't even join RLC.
  4. You just summed up B2. Not watchable.
  5. I guess there are some people that think these girls are actually going do something worth watching.
  6. Why are these 2 do nothings top cam? I don't get it.
  7. Because I usually only post the shit that pisses me off.
  8. You better change your name to grainy (blurry) Observer.
  9. Who cares? She is a has been and Shantal is useless. The only one worth watching is Sambuka.
  10. Many guests have changed their clothes and showered without hiding anything. Obviously she doesn't belong on RLC.
  11. She changed her clothes with her previous clothes still on. This shit is ridiculous.
  12. How many days will Bella go without a shower? These kind of girls just need to go back where they came from.
  13. Oh, I didn't realize you were that bad. I'm happy watching RLC.
  14. You would kill yourself? Isn't that a little extreme?
  15. Just close B2, these 3 are useless
  16. That's funny because I have 12 bates from Sambuka and zero from Zhanna. No comparison.
  17. Azura's bates were normal bates, now they are a long show. Not the same.
  18. Why would Shantal in a fucking tent be top number one cam? You people are out of your fucking minds. She is not attractive and has a fat ass. The tent bates are a big fuck you to us. She needs to go!
  19. And Bella completes the apartment full of do nothings.
  20. Are you for real? Who cares about this nonsense?
  21. She needs to lose the tent.....end of story.
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